
guys i’m really sorry but i’m gonna have to put tryst on hold :(( i’m not feeling very motivated atm and i’d hate to publish half-hearted/forced chapters. hopefully i’ll get some inspiration to update soon! hope you guys understand  <3


guys i’m really sorry but i’m gonna have to put tryst on hold :(( i’m not feeling very motivated atm and i’d hate to publish half-hearted/forced chapters. hopefully i’ll get some inspiration to update soon! hope you guys understand  <3


dear tryst readers,, very sorry there will be no chapter update this week :( was going to try and rush one out for tomorrow but i think it’d be better to just wait until next week and give you a proper, full-fat juicy chapter. hope you guys understand! :)


Greetings. As a fellow lover of the Rosenthal, I would like to say how much I enjoy your book. He is such a beautiful man ❤️.


@mycroft_holmes007 yes omg I would read it like over and over, I love tom, you so should


@jackbarakms you think? ive been holding off because i didn't think anyone would want to read it 


@oswinsbitch you should defo defo write a Tom book omg yes