
Hey everyone, I'm back. I'm sorry if I made some of you worry or wonder what happened. I was to caught up with my school's thesis I couldn't post for the past few months. In addition to that, I had family problems. I have read some of your messages and kept up to date with them. For now, I'm trying to work on my story but I'm a little rusty. Fortunately, I managed to finish one chapter of Dragon Knight before getting to Aura Hero again. So for Dragon Knight that's being posted. Also, I'm trying to think of making new stories of a series I have mixed emotions about. In the near future for now enjoy the story posted today. And thank you for your concern about my well-being. Enjoy and take care.


@pemmax5 it's cool just find some to update your story.


Welcome back man


@pemmax5 perfect I see the post now and I’ll say it again welcome back glad your back


So wait are you finally in summer vacation or work or something?


@pemmax5 it does I’m using discord and I’m staying in touch with lots of authors from Wattpad


@DF77777 ur not. I'm thinking a discord may work. I'll keep everyone posted soon


@pemmax5 or sorry am I being to pushy?


Hey everyone, I'm back. I'm sorry if I made some of you worry or wonder what happened. I was to caught up with my school's thesis I couldn't post for the past few months. In addition to that, I had family problems. I have read some of your messages and kept up to date with them. For now, I'm trying to work on my story but I'm a little rusty. Fortunately, I managed to finish one chapter of Dragon Knight before getting to Aura Hero again. So for Dragon Knight that's being posted. Also, I'm trying to think of making new stories of a series I have mixed emotions about. In the near future for now enjoy the story posted today. And thank you for your concern about my well-being. Enjoy and take care.


@pemmax5 it's cool just find some to update your story.


Welcome back man


@pemmax5 perfect I see the post now and I’ll say it again welcome back glad your back


Hey everyone, I'm back. I'm sorry if I made some of you worry or wonder what happened. I was to caught up with my school's thesis I couldn't post for the past few months. In addition to that, I had family problems. I have read some of your messages and kept up to date with them. For now, I'm trying to work on my story but I'm a little rusty. Fortunately, I managed to finish one chapter of Dragon Knight before getting to Aura Hero again. So for Dragon Knight that's being posted. Also, I'm trying to think of making new stories of a series I have mixed emotions about. In the near future for now enjoy the story posted today. And thank you for your concern about my well-being. Enjoy and take care


@DF77777 I'll post this again


@pemmax5 also you forgot to press the Announce this to my followers button so nobody sees this message in there notifications 