
Ummm so my fic has 5K now???!?! Oh my gosh guys thank you. Just wow. This is a huge milestone. Thank you thank you thank you! 


@peachykun congratulations!


Not me crying over the fact that I've reached over 4k despite not posting in over a month. You all make me so happy...


@Brownsugur virtual hugs are appreciated thank you!


@peachykun Congratulations hun ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪ I would give u hug but you know


Dear Lord, the girl reading this is amazing. Please help her know this is true no matter what. In 12 minutes something as amazing as you will happen. Pls send this to 12 girls you love. Remember, only for girls. If I don't get this back I'm obviously not a best friend. Once you read this, you have to send this to 12 people. Your next free days will be like this: Day 1 - you will have a perfect day!    Day 2 - you will find something you lost long ago.    Day 3 - you will be surprised with a dream come true. If you don't send this, your next three days will be the exact opposite. ❌❌❌ Don't break this. Send this to 12 friends in 12 minutes.
          Good luck!


I just wanted to pop up here real quick to say (1) I love you all (so much!) and your comments and votes fill me with such joy. I don’t deserve any of you (2) I am still working on Stay With Me. I’ve been dealing with a lot the past two months which is why updates have been so rare/slow (3) I love you all so much and know you are all important to me- thank you for your endless patience and support and bombarding me with hilarious comments 


@peachykun I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND I WILL BE HERE TO READ WHENEVER YOU’RE READY. Not to mention reread. Again. And again. And again. Do I have a problem?