
Hi! I’m youngwriter1224 and I heard you are a Christian and felt inspired by your profile. 
          I’ll follow you if you follow me? I’ll read your books if you read mine?
          No pressure if you don’t want to! 


Thanks so much! You have my follow too!


            Heyyy youngwriter 1224 ,Glad you felt inspired by my profile !! You have my follow .


Hey, ✨
          Hope you are well. I've finished writing 36 Questions and started something new. If you're doing reading 36 Questions I'd really be honoured if you checked this book out.❤️
          The ancient book of Ruth is reimagined, through my eyes and maybe you'd be interested to see the way I envision it.✨❤️
          ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 
          Ruth, a Moabite women, rejected by her own, after a certain incident, quietly searches for the comfort of true love but in every man's eyes and arms, there is no ease or truth or love until she meets Boaz...
          But before that, it's downhill through the terrains and pain of life. Losing her loved ones, marrying a man, and entering into a unfruitful marriage that lasts a decade and so much more.
          Through it all Ruth finds that the love she desires has always been pouring out of her heart, given to those around her. It's always been waiting in the country Israel for her to know and learn of the name Yahweh.✨
          The desire of love is engraved in every heart, but for others it burns and longs, alot more deeper, bleeding open and leaving scars.



I'm also back from a break. Thank you so much for your support. ❤️I was wondering, what your honest thoughts on 36 Questions ending are,  if you finished it. I'd really love to hear your opinion.


@purpleskiesanddreams Heyyy it's always an honor to read your amazing books !! Had taken a break from Wattpad for a while because of school but your notification brought me here so I'm really looking forward to Ruth reimagined ❤️❤️


          Sorry for writing on your message board 
          I hope this message finds you well. I'm excited to recommend my book, "Hearts Entwined in Jannah," to you. It's a captivating story that promises daily updates with your support through votes and comments. I sincerely hope you fall in love with my writing. Don't forget to give me a follow if you enjoy the journey.

          This is a sequel, and if you're intrigued, you can also check out the main book on my profile. I hope both stories resonate with you!


@_zulayhatuh Heyyy I will make sure to check this out !! 


Hi! Thank you for reading and voting on every chapter of Thy Will, Not Mine!❤️ I appreciate it!!!❤️
          P.S I absolutely love your bio!❤️


@Loving_Christ Heyyy ,Don't mention it Thy Will not Mine is such a wonderful book ❤️ and I would have been totally doing injustice if i read without clicking that bright star  because it totally brightened my day !!!
            Thank you soo much 


Hello dearie. How are you doing?
          Thanks so much for your reads, votes and support on my books. You've really been making me glad.
          How have you been enjoying the stories so far? 


@pandora0406 Awww... This message just made my weekend. Thanks so so much. God bless you. ♥️ 


@PeculiarPraise I'm doing wonderful !!! Thank you .Your book has been so full of awesomeness , a piece of heaven everytime as I get to know more of Jesus and  strengthen my spiritual intimacy with Him .I'm mostly offline so I can't comment but I can't help but click the star everytime because you are a star @Peculiar Praise  


Hi, I saw your votes and comments late because I'd actually taken a break from Wattpad. I'd like to thank you for all your votes and comments on Zoey and Zolani
          They really made my day.
          Thank you ❤️✨
          I hope it blessed you and I'm currently writing a new book so if you're interested please check it out.


@purpleskiesanddreams  Girl I should be thanking you instead !! ❤️ I couldn't have been more grateful to stumble upon ur book ,it was amazing and literally impossible not to leave out a comment or vote .
            Thanks for counting me in on the new book !!!Yeeey I have got a new read in my library . 
            Stay blessed 