
Hello. Over the five years ive been on wattpad, i have grown and changed and witnessed Wattpad change as well. As an individual, i have been struggling to do things that i love. I use to write all the time and read, spitting out chapter after chapter after chapter within hours of each other, now i can barely write a paragraph once a month. Ive been broken several times in the last year, feeling so low that i could barely get out of bed. Ive been neglecting myself and verbally abusing myself. I havent been kind to myself. Im trying to change that now. It might take a long while, and i might not post anything for another year or two, but I'm releasing my drafts for my stories and i hope you enjoy them while i am away. Thank you for your support and understanding during these difficult times. 


@pandalove6783 No worries, take your time getting better. Your stories have been amazing for the time being but if you need to focus on yourself, don't worry about it. Hope you're doing well and are getting better


Hello. Over the five years ive been on wattpad, i have grown and changed and witnessed Wattpad change as well. As an individual, i have been struggling to do things that i love. I use to write all the time and read, spitting out chapter after chapter after chapter within hours of each other, now i can barely write a paragraph once a month. Ive been broken several times in the last year, feeling so low that i could barely get out of bed. Ive been neglecting myself and verbally abusing myself. I havent been kind to myself. Im trying to change that now. It might take a long while, and i might not post anything for another year or two, but I'm releasing my drafts for my stories and i hope you enjoy them while i am away. Thank you for your support and understanding during these difficult times. 


@pandalove6783 No worries, take your time getting better. Your stories have been amazing for the time being but if you need to focus on yourself, don't worry about it. Hope you're doing well and are getting better


So, once again, I’m sorry for not updating for months. Life gets busy, people hurt people, people get broken hearts, and bills need to be paid. I’m sure here in the updates you might notice a change in my writing style, but I hope you all enjoy my writings anyways. Whether it be hetalia, regular show, or anything else I publish. And once again, I’m sorry for the long periods of time it takes me to publish something. I appreciate your patience and support. 


Sorry for the long waits on my published works. I've taken the last few days off because of my step sister and my nephew's birthday, July 22nd, and me and my twins own birthday, July 24. I will published as much as possible and find endings that are suitable to the stories. Thank you for waiting and being patient with me. 


School has started back up. And ROTC has me bust since I'm in leadership and on two team. Pt and armed. But I've been seeking on during English (ha. Got a 100 in there) and writing stories. I have new stories coming out about UsUk, it's called 'The Boy With The Tattoos'. But I am also working on 11 other stories, even that zombie apocalypse one I said I was working on. 
          Panda out. 


All posting on stories and all updates will be delayed due to that today, July 24th, about 16 years ago, me and my twin came into this world. We will have a party today and I will be busy all day long, so all stories will be paused, but continued on July 25th if possible. With a newly 7 year old nephew it's hard to focus. But the party is for 4 people, me and my twin, my step sister and my little nephew. Both step sister (age 27) and nephew were born two days before me and my twin. But I wish you all a good few days while I am busy. I will update on my stories as soon as possible.