
Ok I was looking at my entry from last year's onc (the one I didn't finished) and I was at 15.5k words already, halfway through my planned plot, and based on when it was last updated I still had over a month left to finish??? and I have no recollection of why I didn't. I just stopped??? that's so me. 


Ok I was looking at my entry from last year's onc (the one I didn't finished) and I was at 15.5k words already, halfway through my planned plot, and based on when it was last updated I still had over a month left to finish??? and I have no recollection of why I didn't. I just stopped??? that's so me. 


going through touching up the last chapter I posted, there are a painful amount of typos and awkward sentences that I hadn't noticed cause I was rushing.  it's already submitted though so i'll just hope they haven't read it yet :c


one of my new year's wishes was to rededicate myself to writing, so here i am prepared to write some gay tragedies. now idk if anyone who followed me on this website is actually still active but if you are, i have returned, and i'm determined to actually write something this time.