
not me staying up to read a daryl dixon fanfic even though i have work tomorrow
          	priorities, people.


this message may be offensive
guess who wrote more smut and a sort of love confession? me!
          guess who is maybe a few drinks in and exhausted! also me, but i have a shit ton of stuff to do tomorrow so i can’t stay up all night writing
          but on the plus side i have three more chapter queued up, two of which are nearing/over 2000 words.
          i get impatient and post chapter sooner than i plan to so expect atleast two more chapters this week


new chapter of pretty boy! 
          pretend it hasn’t been two weeks please!
          but i’ll be back to a weekly/ every 3-6 day schedule, i have all the rest of my day today to write,  and i’m gonna do more writing after work throughout the week, so i promise for the foreseeable future we’re back to a more regular schedule.


I just read 'Disconnection' and I absolutely loved it!! I've been thinking of writing my own Newt fanfic and I was wondering- could I base my fanfic off 'Disconnection'? Like similar plot- different main character but also male and so on. Ofc I'll credit you for the inspiration, but I just wanted to ask permission.


absolutely! go for it


tell me why despite me muting AND unsubscribing to the wattpad emails everytime someone comments i’m STILL getting them
          my phone is vibrating every 30 seconds with emails from comments from yesterday and while i’m super grateful for the people interested with my story I CANT FIGURE OUT HOW TO STOP THE EMAILS