Oh, hey there! If you're here, then you were probably lost on your way somewhere else, but please do make yourself at home! I'm an asexual/aromantic 19-year-old male named Eliot Evermore (I know right, weird name), and I welcome you to my humble home. And just by the way, DAENERYS TARGARYEN IS QUEEN.

"There are two kinds of evil people. People who do evil stuff, and people who watch evil stuff being done and don't try to stop it."

"Boo, you whore!"

"Don't let the haters stop you from doing your thang."

"Is butter a carb?"

"You all have GOT to stop calling each other sluts and whores. It just makes it okay for GUYS to call you sluts and whores."

"You smell like a baby prostitute."

You can't just not know Mean Girls quotes. It's, like, social suicide.

"I love One Direction with all my butt. I would say heart, but my butt is bigger."

I'm basically a crazy fanboy who really loves cheese, chocolate, and berries. I am proudly part of and supporting the LGBTQA+ community, and one thing I despise is homophobic people! I've been secretly a Directioner for about 5 years, but I only started showing it a few weeks ago. If you hate Twilight, I'm your guy! But I do love Kristen Stewart! I am a Nerdfighter, Slytherin, Tribute from district 3, Runner, Chosen, SuperWhoLockian, Ringer, Selenator, Arianator, Swiftie, Little Blackstar, Lovatic, Shadowhunter, son of Apollo, Cured, Trekkie, Warsie, from the Republic of Heaven, Narnian, from House Targaryen (SO PROUD), Divergent from Candor, Werewolf, Wallflower, DisneyKid, Assassin, Otaku, Guardian, Avenger, Little Liar, Water Bender, kind of a Gleek , YouTube Geek, Daydreamer, Smiler, Sheerio, part of the MCRmy, Luigi/Panicker and finally, Youngblood! Yes, one boy, many fandoms.
  • Fandom Land
  • Đã tham giaAugust 31, 2015