
if the question of why i havent been on here has ever crossed anyones mind, i got my phone taken away a bit ago and deleted a bunch of stuff just in case my mom decided to try and look through it (not that i had/have anything bad on here, but you probably know what i mean when i say i dont think id be very comfortable with my mom/dad seeing some of these things) but i had deleted the wattpad app as well, and just recently re-downloaded it and logged in again. im getting my moms old laptop (hopefully soon) and as soon as i do, i promise im going to actually do what im supposed to do on here, which is actually write something. im going to finally try the undertale one-shots/possibly a papyrus X reader that was requested of me so long ago, and im even thinking about starting up my pg X reader again, regardless of what i wrote. thanks for reading this :) and ill be back soon!


Do you want to read for read?


@SkyWhitehorse You're very welcome. ^^


@SkyWhitehorse How sweet. Thank you.


@SkyWhitehorse Oh, I'll read your stuff, but don't even bother with mine, I kinda gave up a while ago. but thanks!! I'll let you know what I think of yours.


I couldn't help but notice that you're following me! Thank you very much by the way. I see that you like Homestuck, SNK, FNAF, and probably some other absolutely awesome Fandoms and I was wondering if you would possibly like to RolePlay with me sometime. If so, great.


That is completely fine.


@The_Best_Slytherin Oh, cool! Maybe sometime, but i'm not very good at rp, so