
The epilogue is up now! I hope y'all enjoy it!!! 


The stories you wrote are amazing especially in another life. So full of consent and really love. Also unique. I have cried,smiled and almost threw my phone because of this story.  Hope you don't cancel or delete any of the books but it's fine if you want to and rest if you need and also update at your own pace and you can write a original story. your so great at writing.


This was a fun ride! Thank you for sticking around this long. I am really satisfied with the end and I hope y'all like it too! 
          Take care! 


@-petaloris Ahhh this means a lot!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! 


@oitommothetease , AH I’M SO GLAD . also ur the best  thank YOU for making this book for simps like me to read <3


@-petaloris oml bestie you're literally the best!! Ahh your comments always made me laugh like crazy. Thank you so much for reading 


I know a writer who is rightfully angry because this site novelhd.com stole their fic and published it without consent. And I was like there's no way 'IN ANOTHER LIFE' is also on this platform because my fic has like 30k reads. Turns out, I was wrong and I just feel very violated(if that makes sense).
          The whole idea behind my fic was a wlw relationship that wasn't written by a straight person's imagination, but by a sapphic's experience. I just wanted us gays to have some Pansy content so that we could stop yearning for her on Draco fics. I would still very much like that and that's my main goal out of this tbh. 
          I'm still processing all of this, but please keep me posted if something could be done to take down this site, or at least all the stolen fics. 
          I hope you're doing alright and take care!! 


I was re-reading something last night and this morning I accidentally opened my fanfic instead and my mind just went,” wait a minute, that's v similar to what I wrote.” Then I was like “did I subconsciously steal someone else's work? “ It took me a whole-ass paragraph to realize that I'm reading my stuff so that's that.