
Hello! I wrote a book about Vampire...If you are interested then please check it out and leave a vote it would really help me. It's the first ever book I wrote so I am really looking forward to your opinion!

          And I don't know if I am allowed to promote here or not so please feel free to ignore my messege if it's disturbing. Thanks for reading it anyway. I appreciate it!!!


You never did let your fans know if you plan to continue Sealed Fate. Please out of courtesy let those who have supported you know. I hope all is well. 


@ronda1985 I apologise for such a delay. The e-mail address I used to open this id was hacked. And I couldn't log in Wattpad anymore. After trying for so long I was finally able to access my id back. Thank you so much for supporting me and waiting so patiently.


It only takes one minute of your time to say yes or no to those whose stood by your side and supported you. 


Could you please let your fans know if you are going to continue Sealed Fate. Many have asked you and you have not responded. Out of courtesy to those who have supported you please reply/comment yes or no if you are finishing this book. It only takes a minute of your time. I hope all is well. The fans don’t need to know why if you plan to discontinue it as it’s nobody’s business just a simple yes or no. Thank you.