
Hey everyone! I know I haven't been active for what... The past five, six months? Although I really haven't been writing anything I've kept on expanding my universe and developing my ideas. What's really hard is that I just can't bring myself to post anything because I can't even write a whole sentence. I don't necessarily lack writing skills, I still have a lot to learn, but I think it's mostly difficult to find the right words to express what i wanna express. I mean anyways, I hope you get it.
          	I'll just get to my main main point. I want to start off fresh and new. I created a new account @psykinvention so go follow me if you actually want to see more of my stories. Thanks a lot to the peeps who read this bye :)


Hey everyone! I know I haven't been active for what... The past five, six months? Although I really haven't been writing anything I've kept on expanding my universe and developing my ideas. What's really hard is that I just can't bring myself to post anything because I can't even write a whole sentence. I don't necessarily lack writing skills, I still have a lot to learn, but I think it's mostly difficult to find the right words to express what i wanna express. I mean anyways, I hope you get it.
          I'll just get to my main main point. I want to start off fresh and new. I created a new account @psykinvention so go follow me if you actually want to see more of my stories. Thanks a lot to the peeps who read this bye :)


Merci pour ton vote et ton ajout de mon histoire Sigma Energy dans ta liste de lecture ! ❤ N'hésites pas à commenter, je serzis ravie de te répondre ! J'espère que ça te plaira en tout cas ! ^^
          Vikitchi, alias le CoLiBRi ❤


@DarkenedChronicler  Oooh merci ! ❤ Je suis contente que tu aimes mon histoire ! Merci pour tout ! N'hésites pas à me donner ton avis (je ne mords pas promis XD)


@Vikitchi de rien :)
            Ton histoire pour l'instant elle est vraiment géniale donc c'est normal


Merci pour tous tes votes !
          Au plaisir et espérant que mes histoires te plaisent,


@ AgathaChristie33  Merci pour vos lectures/votes en tout cas ! 


@AgathaChristie33 oh mais de rien c'est un plaisir de les lire :)