
I am getting spammed on each of my stories by various accounts promoting a pornographic website.  Do not click on any links provided in my comment section and please do report it if you see it.  I keep blocking these accounts and reporting but I don't know if they're still visible.


Hello @oddham I was wondering what happened to your aot fanfic as I’d really love to read it again 


I've republished just now.  Sorry for not doing so sooner.  An emergency came up that needed my attention.  To make up for it, it will be up for 48 hours.


Yes please could you message me when you do that 


@canderloro I unpublished it.  As I told Nikki (conversation below), I can republish it for 24 hours so you can screenshot it.


@oddham hey was wondering are you still writing your Levi book sequel


Hey, sorry for the late response.  Tbh I don't want to even look at the story.  I wrote it when I was about 16 and it no longer clicks for me.  I'm thinking deleting it, but I'll see if I can tie it up since it's at the ending anyway, but it'll take time as University has gotten busy for me.
            Thank you for enjoying it though.  I was writing fanfics when I was in a tough spot, and they did help me learn how characterization and personalities work within stories.  Still, thank you for appreciating it.


I am getting spammed on each of my stories by various accounts promoting a pornographic website.  Do not click on any links provided in my comment section and please do report it if you see it.  I keep blocking these accounts and reporting but I don't know if they're still visible.


Hello everyone!  I hope you are all staying safe during this awful year.  First, I would like to say that though I have been on a somewhat hiatus from this website/app, I have noticed the very steady increase in following.  Thank you all so much.  I write because I enjoy it, and I truly hope all of you enjoy my works.
          Now, onto the big news!  I have been working on several original works during this year.  I have just published a BETA/Prologue chapter to my latest work.  If this goes well, I will publish more BETAs of the original work I have been working on.  If you are interested, please work with me on this project.  I would love to know your thoughts and views on this BETA/Prologue chapter.  Whether it be on the literary techniques, the characters, or just the setting of the story, I would truly love to hear.  I will be responding to comments as often as I can and I would love to know more about you.
          Thank you for supporting me, thank you for enjoying my work.  Stay safe, stay healthy, stay hopeful.  Have a wonderful day ahead.
          The story is titled: Sheol


@Angel_error Thank you!  I'll admit, I've been terrible recently with my ongoing works (the ones on Wattpad).  Your comment has just reminded me to keep going!  Thank you, and stay safe!


You are such an amazing writer can’t wait to read more of your work


Hello, I would like to inform you of the recent developments in my life (no nothing depressing or narcissistic).  You see, I just graduated from high school and will be starting college/university soon.  Not only that, I will be completely out of my parents' house and their financial umbrella.  This means that I won't only be studying, but also working and maintaining a house.  As such, developments of new stories and current ones will be at a slower (or higher pace, I tend to write more when I'm stressed) than normal.
          This is for those who read my ongoing fan fictions: I will not be updating them until 2021.
          I hope all of you have a wonderful day and year ahead!


@Alpha12321 Thank you so much!  June is a really bad month for me and your comment really means a lot.  I hope you stay safe and as happy as you can be this year.  With the state the world is in now, we need as much kindness and positivity to get each other through.  Thank you, Alpha, and keep being so nice and kind.


            Keep up the good work. You're extremely talented and I wish you the best in life. Never let your talent go to waste and don't give up on your dreams <3


I just published a short story that I have written for my Literature class.  I will be publishing my creative writing from my classes onto Wattpad to see how they go in terms of audience.  Please enjoy and make any comments, have a nice day.


The cover for "The Spirits' Guide" looks awesome! Did you make it yourself?


@mikediamond1992 I suggest using Canva.  It's the website I used to create the cover and it's free.


Thanks for sharing your process! Gives me some ideas for when I eventually update my cover!


@mikediamond1992 I took the original photo of the girl from a photographer's website (website in the book's description) then I editted it and added the words.  Thank you!  I felt pretty pleased with how it turned out and am happy to hear others think so too.