
Alright so I have literally gone through every chapter and made a few alterations. if you get confused on something it's probably because I've changed something. If you can't be bothered to read the changes feel free to ask me any questions and I'll happily answer them. This has taken me hours so unfortunately I won't be adding the new chapter up today but it will be up by sunday or monday. 


Alright so I have literally gone through every chapter and made a few alterations. if you get confused on something it's probably because I've changed something. If you can't be bothered to read the changes feel free to ask me any questions and I'll happily answer them. This has taken me hours so unfortunately I won't be adding the new chapter up today but it will be up by sunday or monday. 


Okay guys I just got your messages I have no reason why they just came through now. for those that are interested in the story still I will upload for you. I am also going to go through and change a few things so I don't know if you might want to re-read it. you've probably forgotten the story anyway, since it's been so long since I uploaded. I love you guys so much and thanks for the people that have stuck with me xxx


Okay guys I don't really know why my next chapter won't upload but it doesn't seem to be uploading or coming up on screen. So wait for me to sort it out and sorry if you get heaps of emails saying that I've uploaded when I haven't. If any one knows why this is happening please help me out and thanks for staying my dedicated fans :)


Hey guys so I'm messaging you to tell you that there's a new chapter up!!! I also noticed that covers are in now?? So I have no idea how to make one so if one of you guys wants to please? No pressure and would it be possible for some one to reply cuz I have no idea if anyone actually reads these. Moving on thanks for the support :)