
Looking back at my old stories makes me cringe, or invested lmao. Can’t be the only one tho, liking their own stories because they forgot what they wrote and then pissed at myself that it’s not being continued. 


I might continue my other stories, Augment Luck and Genius, but I cannot guarantee it. I would like to rewrite the ending of Amorphophallus Titanum, maybe make it a few chapters longer and put back in scrapped characters and story, but I don’t have the same motivation as I used to.
          I used to write with a passion for words, and a passion for Jonatello. I’ve focused more on DC and Invincible lately, two things a little different than TMNT. I try rewatching the shows, but it’s just not the same without some of my old friends. Whether I like to admit it or not, I miss a lot of them. 
          My current friends hate listening to me rant, and I can’t find people with common interests as much. There’s this girl in my grade who I know will care about me, actually listen to me rant, AND, know what I’m talking about when I rant abt TMNT!! I know they obsess over it too, at least a small amount. Problem is, she’s not my usual type in friends, and I have no clue how to talk to her.
          Be patient with me guys, I’m trying my best to befriend her!! She was suspended the last week before Christmas break, I’m trying here.  
          Hoping it’ll cure me loneliness, trust issues, and get me back into my writing obsession. ✨✨
          Love you all, doves!! 


The general fear tho of any of my classmates ever finding my account.. (SOME ALREADY HAVE, DON’T KNOW IT’S ME CAUSE I’M ‘QUIET’ I GUESS) (not actually quiet, I’ve been called the grades lawyer because I’m actually very loud and confident when I speak.)


          A NEW(ish) JONATELLO STORY!!!!!
          I’ll be completely honest.. I forgot about it. I started writing it long before Amorphophallus Titanum, and just never published it. I had forgotten how I used to write!! Anyways, I have a lot of changed I have to make before I publish the other chapters. I only had three half-written, since the others were accidentally deleted at some point in time. One of those half-written chapters was chapter one, so I hope you all enjoy!! :]


Another username change!! Sorry.. It goes with my other usernames on other platforms.
          From WOFNightAndSea_Wing to Noah_Aoki,
          From Noah_Aoki to Jaime_Reyes!!
          Just like my roblox, oOJaime_ReyesOo, and my discord account, jaime_reyes. I use this for trading platforms, and other things. As you can tell, I’m obsessed with him. DUDE I HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS YOU JUST PROBABLY HAVEN’T NOTICED!!<33
          Suddenly he gets some fans after the movie.
          Sad but I’ll accept it, since at least he has some.. :(


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Shit wait I meant oOJaime_ReyesOo since the other one was alr taken, sorry.


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          I know I fuck up a lot, and I know the only thing I’m a professional at is running, there’s no sugarcoating it. I know I can’t even deny it. But I keep trying to sneak back in after I run off for months. I don’t know what I’m doing with my life anymore. I don’t fit in with any group I’m in until after I leave. I have trust issues and so I run, but I think I create trust issues in others too. I’m the cause of a problem because others caused mine. My friends often only use me, don’t actually care about me, lie to me, betray me, leave me, same with my siblings. I can’t trust my cousins, sadly sometimes parents, I can’t trust my own friends or family. I know it’s a reason, but it’s no excuse. I keep treating it like it can be. I don’t know how to NOT run, how to just settle down. The ONE person who ever felt like they genuinely cared about me when they didn’t have to, they actually WANTED to, only used me for personal gain. They wanted something, and so they spent months and months to gain my trust only to not gain in the end. But they immediately moved on once I caught on and gained that same thing with someone else who I thought was my friend. I don’t know what to make of everyone lying to me, but I let go of every good thing in my life and it sucks. People leave first, whether they realize it or not, I’m just the one who doesn’t stick around to wait for nothing. Sometimes I leave first, but most of the time I’m running from nothing because nobody was there anymore.