
Hello there fellow readers and writers! You may have noticed the graveyard-like emptiness in my story section. Don't worry, it's not going to stay like so for very long. I had so many stories published, some of which I stayed too long without updating. So I decided to take them off temporarily and work on them offline for the time being. When the time's right, I'll publish at least one of the books (if not a new title), and try my hardest to continue with the publication until it is finished. I'd like to give you all something that, at least, you will know will be completed. Have a great day!


@Cool05guy2000 I've been alright. Just a little occupied is all


Hello there fellow readers and writers! You may have noticed the graveyard-like emptiness in my story section. Don't worry, it's not going to stay like so for very long. I had so many stories published, some of which I stayed too long without updating. So I decided to take them off temporarily and work on them offline for the time being. When the time's right, I'll publish at least one of the books (if not a new title), and try my hardest to continue with the publication until it is finished. I'd like to give you all something that, at least, you will know will be completed. Have a great day!


@Cool05guy2000 I've been alright. Just a little occupied is all


Hey, I wasn't sure if you recently DM'd me and so due to the recent update of no private messaging...I just wondered if it was you who DMd me earlier


damn...I just got the cover and it looks AMAZING!! Thanks so much for the time you put into it 


@Avid-ReaderOrWriter Sent your updated cover. Let me know what you think of them


Hello there fellow readers and writers! Just wanted to say that Nidev: The Mephimus Stone, will be put on hold for a bit. Want to clean up the plot a bit more, and make it much more enjoyable to read. In the mean time, I'll be posting chapters for another book in the series, Nidev: Hunt for a Sycorax. The first chapter will be released today, and I hope you'll enjoy it! 


@Avid-ReaderOrWriter thanks! Wanted to go a bit extra with the new one. 


@nostalgicDave Dang, I already love the cover you made for the new book!


Hello fellow readers and writers! After going through the second chapter of of my story, Nidev: The Mephimus Stone,  I've decided to break it into two parts. 4000+ words is way too much for one chapter. So any new chapter you may notice (chapter 5) will possibly be the current chapter 4.


Finally! After a very, very, very long time of inactivity, I have finally published the fourth chapter of Nidev: The Mephimus Stone. Join Astrid and his "companions" as they journey across the lands of Nidev, trying to make their way to the High Church. Whatever perils await them during their journey will be revealed in this chapter and many more to come. Thanks for your continued support! And happy reading!


@nostalgicDave I know I deleted the messages because I thought you were a dead account 


Hello there fellow readers and writers! I know I've taken quite some time not publishing new parts for my stories, and I am sorry. I've been off and on wattpad these days. To make up for my inactivity, I've taken the liberty of editing the chapters of Nidev: The Mephimus Stone. The flow of the story has mainly remained the same, with a few details added in and taken out. Whenever you feel like checking the chapters out again, feel free. Otherwise, I want to thank you all for the support and patience. Happy 2024!


@That_Random-Writer sure, and good luck on the contest! 


@That_Random-Writer p.s, you still want to sign up as a designer at the covershop? If so, feel free to submit the form. Instructions are in the beginning of the covershop


@nostalgicDave hey! As for the cover, I am currently working on the actual story, revising, editing ect. so that I could submit it into the 8CC contest in wattpad. So, I'm going to hold off on the cover for now, but I will get back to you when I need one.


Are you still in college?


@Cool05guy2000 I've always been interested in computers, and so  I majored in computer science.


@nostalgicDave Nice..what did you major in?


@Cool05guy2000 Nah, I graduated a few months ago