
Hey guys, So I want to make this quick announcement that is pretty big. What's that announcement, well I'm making. 
          	AN ORGIANL STORY.
          	which means everything won't be based on any existent IP.  Sort of. Well, it won't be a reader insert of any kind, it will have Vtubers in it. Though I want to give a heads up, there will be symbolism in the story. 
          	Another thing I want to make clear is that it's going to be a short story, at max it will only have seven chapters. Each of these chapter I'm hoping to finish and when I do, release them in every single day of a week on 7:30 PM. Because of this, the story won't be out for a while since I have not even finish one chapter yet. 
          	Now I don't want to spoil too much, but I'll give you a tittle for this story. the tittle being. 
          	"Seven Nights of Terror"
          	One more thing, this is my first ever original story ever and because of that, don't expect it to be perfect, at best I can promise you that it will be decent. But I hope you'll enjoy the story either way. 
          	Now with that out of the way, that's all I have to say, hope you guys are excited for my first ever original story.


@TheLivingVendetta not really, to be more specific. The story will be about a child being home alone for seven nights and each night the boy will have to deal with a different monster. So, kind of like FNAF 4. Also, there won't be any Vtuber that exist already. There will only be Vtuber that are made up so it can fit the story better.


Seven nights of terror huh? Is this your attempt at five nights at Hololive?


Hey guys, So I want to make this quick announcement that is pretty big. What's that announcement, well I'm making. 
          which means everything won't be based on any existent IP.  Sort of. Well, it won't be a reader insert of any kind, it will have Vtubers in it. Though I want to give a heads up, there will be symbolism in the story. 
          Another thing I want to make clear is that it's going to be a short story, at max it will only have seven chapters. Each of these chapter I'm hoping to finish and when I do, release them in every single day of a week on 7:30 PM. Because of this, the story won't be out for a while since I have not even finish one chapter yet. 
          Now I don't want to spoil too much, but I'll give you a tittle for this story. the tittle being. 
          "Seven Nights of Terror"
          One more thing, this is my first ever original story ever and because of that, don't expect it to be perfect, at best I can promise you that it will be decent. But I hope you'll enjoy the story either way. 
          Now with that out of the way, that's all I have to say, hope you guys are excited for my first ever original story.


@TheLivingVendetta not really, to be more specific. The story will be about a child being home alone for seven nights and each night the boy will have to deal with a different monster. So, kind of like FNAF 4. Also, there won't be any Vtuber that exist already. There will only be Vtuber that are made up so it can fit the story better.


Seven nights of terror huh? Is this your attempt at five nights at Hololive?


I HAVE OFFCILY GRADUTED HIGH SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          and to celebrate, I'm releasing a single chapter of "the smartest person alive" and "red halo: outset" though I want to make it clear that they will be still on hold until further notice. 
          Here some context, if you remember what I said. Then you know that these chapter were finish before this whole Niji Drama happened and because of that, both these chapter had age poorly. Though I wanted to celebrate with you guys, so I decided to release these chapter, so they won't be collecting dust. Like I said though, they still will be on hold until further notice.
          Another thing I want to say is that despite now being out of Highschool. I still can't fully dedicate to writing. As in the future, I will need to get a job and learn how to drive, so I'll you guys when that's going to happened and how that may affect the schedule. 
          Another thing I also wanting is to announce something else, but I'll announce that tomorrow. 
          Other than that, that's all I want to say. 
          Thank you guys, for a lot.


@normal_writer1812 Congrats and welcome to hell


@normal_writer1812  welcome to the party... though were going back to hell again in 2 months so... enjoy it while it lasts


Hey guys! I just had another story idea. 
          It mostly based on the yugioh vrains series. It's going to be my own story set in the world of vrains. So there's going to be link vrains, so characters like Aoi and Akira will be there, but it will be my own story. the story itself will be based on vrains's story but I'll it different as much as possible. Also, I think it would be cool since it would make a lot since to have Vtubers in it since you know, when you think about it. Blue Angel is kind of like a vtuber. 
          Other than that, that's what I wanted to share, what do you guys think.


I think it has potential. Maybe we can even have two different types of duels. Ones from outside of virtual reality and ones inside.


Thank you, guys, for 300 followers! truly appreciate it, especially when I don't think my stories are all that good, just decent at best. anyways, Like I said. if we were to reach 300 followers, I would think of a Q&A. So, we're going it because why not.
          So, you guys well have a whole week to ask my question, the question must be about the stories that I have written. So, you can ask questions about the stories on hold, that I discontinue, or I'm currently writing about. I'll answer them next Saturday so for now, just ask your question in the replies. 
          other than that, thank you for 300 followers.


Very Important announcement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          So, first of all. If you don't know yet, since June has now started. That means that finals are starting now. which means I need to prepare for them, then I'm going to need to prepare for my gradations. Then I'm going to celebrate my graduation with my family, then I'm going to celebrate another family member's gradations. So, I'm going to be very busy. which means, I won't be uploading for a while, I might not upload at all for the first 3 weeks of June since I will be busy. But maybe I can upload once, I don't know. 
          So other than that, that's all I want to say. I'll tell when I'm done with all of that.


Quicky venting.
          To be honest with you guys. I'm glad Doki survive what she gone through, someone like her should never gone through the mental abuse Kurosanji put her through. And I'm glad Mint is back as well. 
          But when it comes to Elira, that's a different story. Like I said before, she was my comfort zone for 2 years, and I won't deny what she did was wrong. And I want to keep an open mind, but I can't help to somewhat lean towards that she's innocent. Not like she didn't do anything wrong or anything, she did do something wrong. It's more like, that I don't think she's a bully. I'm saying I just want her to apologize for what she did. I'm not asking that so she could fix her career, I'm asking that, so I know she admit what she did was wrong and hopefully will approve herself.  She's still human after all, and nothing she do will that from her. Is it so wrong to hope for that still?
          Sorry I had to vent again, It's just. this whole thing been bothering me a lot, and I have no one else to talk about it, and it not like a lot of people from this fanbase sees it like I do.


Hey guys! So, I have like, 3 stories ideas for yugioh arc-v story. Now to be clear, don't expect any of these stories to be made by me, ever. With still 10 stories on hold, I don't I'm not capable of even making one of these stories. But I want to share them either way to get your opinions. 
          1: Same as before, you're Yuya's older brother who plays odd eyes. you're 16 and are friends with Doki, Axel, Regis who are great duelist. Eventually all 4 of your will be drag into the dimension war, where you will learn some dark things about yourself, as well as deal with 4 deadly duelists.
          2: You live in the link dimension as the link counter part of Yuya, as Doki will be the link counter part of Yuzu. Things were fine until the academy tried to invade the link dimension. but they weren't prepared to play on master rule 4 rules. so, they were easily defeated and push back. though do to fear, the link dimension started to in list soldiers to deal with the fusion problem, both you and Doki in list as well, hoping to end the academy's reign of terror once and for all. 
          3: One day you just wake up in the desolate wasteland of the XYZ dimensions with no memory whatsoever.  Where you meet Yuto, Shun, Ruri, and even Doki. Though they don't trust you since you play a tearlament/kashtira deck. using both Fusion and XYZ. though they evidently trust you once you show you're on their side. You go with them hoping to end the war with the academy and hoping to regain your lost memory.
          these are the ideas I have, but don't expect me to make them anytime soon, or probably ever but you never know. I just want your opinions on them, wither or not you think I'm capable of making these story work. 
          other than that, that's all I have to say.


Hey guys, sorry again. I'm a day late to uploading again. Really sorry about that, I tend to not notice when time fly fast, I really need schedule this kind of stuff. 
          That and will. To be honest with you, this whole Niji drama is still missing me up a bit. Especially when it comes to Elira, my hope for her keeps going up and down every day. 
          But hey we had Wrestle tuber so that was great, especially when we got Doki and Mint. 
          quick rant, I don't like how people believed that there was some sort of bad blood between the two just because the two weren't collabing immediately or talking about the other. It's like if we don't see it, then they're not friends. I'm pretty sure that very parasocial. Like I'm sure if they had a genuine friendship during their time in Nji, that I'm pretty sure there still friends when they leave Niji. Sure, it won't be as strong as it used to be since both party will be busy doing their own thing. But there still friends. 
          Alright that all I have to say.