
If anyone comes across this, either by being lost on the internet or after reading my fanfics, just know I'm doing all okay and well! Just wanted to leave this here since there still are some new readers, and I've been on hiatus for quite long! :) <3


Glad to see you are doing good! I’m just wondering are you going to continue your Welcome Home fanfic? I’m really enjoying it so far. Your writing is extremely good compared to mine! But keep in mind you don’t have to continue writing it if you don’t want to since your health is more important than a book.


@noodleopera ahh glad you're doing well!


If anyone comes across this, either by being lost on the internet or after reading my fanfics, just know I'm doing all okay and well! Just wanted to leave this here since there still are some new readers, and I've been on hiatus for quite long! :) <3


Glad to see you are doing good! I’m just wondering are you going to continue your Welcome Home fanfic? I’m really enjoying it so far. Your writing is extremely good compared to mine! But keep in mind you don’t have to continue writing it if you don’t want to since your health is more important than a book.


@noodleopera ahh glad you're doing well!


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Guys, be proud of me B) I've gotten a new boyfriend that isn't an asshole and treats me well. Progress!


@noodleopera oh thank goodness stay safe to you as well


@aliceiswierd yes, it's an old story now and thankfully no one got hurt. Stay safe guys, and remember, fictional bfs are the best haha!


@noodleopera woahh are you okay??


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if there's someone here who's fangirling over Kokichi, you have to play Nightshade. There is literally his long lost twin in there and I fucking loved his route :P


@Aura_Sakurai Wooo, have fun if you play! :D


Yoyoyoyoyoyo, good news maybe?? I am kinda back to writing the Kokichi fanfic, so there is a chance I might start posting updates again. No promises, but I did quite miss writing this, even though all of the mistakes and cringe I noticed in the chapters now. I had so so many plans for it, and sadly all I was able to get to while I was still writing was the very beginning. But who knows, maybe I will be able to catch up :D somehow...


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Big sorry to whoever's reading this, please ignore this if easily triggered :c 
          This is a little of a vent but jeez. So much shit happened and it's all just layering. My sister is dead, all my friends forgot about me and some asshole guy who I was in a god knows what relationship with turns out to be a complete pervert and does not even pretend to care about me like he has promised for almost a year now. I just feel like Im losing everyone, being so forgettable. When my sister died (which was the reason I deleted my dumb fanfic), I was just hoping to just fall asleep and wake up where it all never happened. I struggled with addiction to things I won't even name and am still surprised i made it out alive. Because I met him. He was just like my sister. He said he was there to listen to me, to discuss nerdy things I liked, even admitted he hopes to help me accept what happened. It was so nice I believed in everything he said like an idiot and basically worshipped him, because he seemed to give me the bare minimum. I just wanted someone to love me and give me hope after the most important person to me planned her death and just left like that. I didnt even know she was going to die. And it just turns out that the person that was the reason that kept me from suicide, at the same time, valued me less than porn. He would look at it when we even played games after school ended for us both. Even when we would chat. And I'm scared to even think of the things he was doing while at it. And I'm so dumb to always come back to him after I get mad at him, too. Now is like that again. But Im just waiting for him to give me that little light of attention. That glimpse of love. But I'm sitting here like an idiot every day for god knows how many hours for him to talk about himself. And it pisses me off so much it still comforts me. He doesn't give a shit about me, but my standards are so low I get so so happy when someone says I mean something to them
           I just want to be loved man :c


@ noodleopera  you too. And thank you soo much. I knew ITS really late but sorry for your lose.
            And you are welcome. I hope you have a great great day and have a nice day/night.
            Always remember to stay safe and healthy too 


@Akirana_2242 Thanks a lot T.T I needed to hear that sometimes it's better to just get on with your own life and not wait for people that well... don't really make it easy to wait for them. 
            Also sorry for your loss, I know how hard it is to just keep on living with thoughts and feelings we get after someone passes away, especially in that way. So I'm just hoping you're fine <3 Give yourself some credits too, it's a very tough experience and no one should have to go through it. Both you and your person. 
            Again, thanks so much, it made me feel a lot better when I read it. I needed to hear that from someone and your reply really helped me. Take care and have a nice day/night!


@ noodleopera  i...Knew that feelings. When we value ourself low than another people...
            Or when we want to be love by someone.
            But let me type this...
            I know we really don't know about each other, but i just want you to know that you are important. Everyone is important. You have every reason to hate him, give him a little attention like what he had done to you. 
            He doesnt deserve you. I mean it. Doesnt deserve every attention you've been giving him. You have your own life, go with it. Do not need to wait for him. 
            Sorry if i sound like i knew everything what happened to you. And im gonna be honest, i do not know what it feels when i lose a siblings, and i cant imagine it. 
            But.....i knew the grief when i knew someone Soo dear to me death because of suicide. Please, give yourself a little more credits.


I'll give you all some advice - please skip your discord phase. I've stopped writing completely, got attached to some random guy on the internet and now it's the only thing I can think about. Delete your discords y'all and go outside with your irl friends.


@Akirana_2242 Thanks :D Have a nice day too and stay safe as well! ^^


I hope you have a great day and stay safe and healthy


@ noodleopera  oh no ._.