
this message may be offensive
i actually wrote a whole 1k word chapter for a new story at like 3am last night and wattpad somehow made it dissapear. it did not save the draft.
          	every time i try to come back to writing istg it's always sum bullshit


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i actually wrote a whole 1k word chapter for a new story at like 3am last night and wattpad somehow made it dissapear. it did not save the draft.
          every time i try to come back to writing istg it's always sum bullshit


also, what if i write a hanma book? would any of yall read that? cause ive been meaning to for quite a while 


@nolongerhum4n i will love you forever for that (came to your wall to see if you had plans for hanma lol)


im not really a big fan of hanma but i lovee ur writing so ik ill read boo


me writing a love triangle is something i never thought i'd do but here i am. 
          new satosugu x reader story up <3


@nolongerhum4n i think most readers now are on AO3 


@-Seraphiel aww i just hope people will read it :/ ik most are more into TR 


@nolongerhum4n i love you even more now 


i am still writing guys. 
          i know i've been on hiatus for a while, but i'm trying to finish the sanzu fic and post the remaining chapters all in one go. I have a few chapters in drafts.
          also, i've been having a massive jujutsu kaisen brainrot lately. i wanna write a Geto or Gojo book so so bad - i haven't picked a plot line yet though. 
          i'm trying to take it one thing at a time but i swear having so many different ideas is so distracting i don't end up writing any. 
          oops. i'll finish the sanzu fic soon though, that's a promise. <3


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quick update ! i am currently trying to fix the mess that is APRTM 205, because god damn - editing it is very much overdue.
          i only noticed how bad it is after i've written the ending, which i do currently have ready to post btw, and went back to read over the story. 
          BUT! i won't be posting the ending chapters until i manage to get the story to at least a readable standard. 
          when i first started writing it, i didn't really expect people to actually read my shit - so yk, i definitely didn't proof read it as well as i should of.
          ( i'm a lil surprised at how it even managed to get so many reads in the first place LMAO
          shit, i mean - two 2 tango >>> ) 
          anyways! if you so happen to get spammed with the chapter updates from that story as i go through the chapters and changed stuff around , 
          I'M SORRY! BUT IT NEEDS TO BE DONE! lol ^^
          as for T2T - ugh, i rlly wanna write a chapter for that so bad but i do need to fix this mess first so ! 
          patience ! <3 


I understand and for your stories I even am patient!  Have fun editing, I’m excited for the ending!!