
hello, defo owe u guys an apology again, there hasn't been a chapter out in so long omds, I just kinda havent been feeling things at the moment if that makes sense, and I'm also sick again, I was on holidays in London and I'm pretty sure I caught something over there but yeah, so sorry about there not being any chapters out, I'll try my best


@no0dle_bee_ its fine, take time to recover and work at your own pace. :)


hello, defo owe u guys an apology again, there hasn't been a chapter out in so long omds, I just kinda havent been feeling things at the moment if that makes sense, and I'm also sick again, I was on holidays in London and I'm pretty sure I caught something over there but yeah, so sorry about there not being any chapters out, I'll try my best


@no0dle_bee_ its fine, take time to recover and work at your own pace. :)


sorry there hasn't been a chapter out in a while, I've got a very special idea for the next one but I have to wait for me and my dad to finish a show so that I can do an episode from it, I bet you can guess what show it is so hopefully I should finish it in the next couple of days 


hi guys just came on here to tell you guys I'm taking another break from writing, alot has been happening at my home at the moment and I'm just not in the best place mentally again and I'm very sorry, I don't know how long I'll be gone for but hopefully it won't be long, hope you guys understand - jen