
Furthermore I feel it’s ridiculous you have to resort to borrowing from your colleague out of all the options you have 
          	...if you have the money to eat luxuriously, travel and pay for your house yet you don’t have this kind of emergency savings?
          	Ask me to loan for your mum but won’t tell me the exact reason lol sorry but I won’t be lending 
          	I may sound cruel but who was there to lend me a helping hand when I needed help the most 


@ninetyfourpercent how are you doing just read ur posts. I hope everything worked well for you if not just hold on little longer after every dark night there's a brightest sun ahead.


Furthermore I feel it’s ridiculous you have to resort to borrowing from your colleague out of all the options you have 
          ...if you have the money to eat luxuriously, travel and pay for your house yet you don’t have this kind of emergency savings?
          Ask me to loan for your mum but won’t tell me the exact reason lol sorry but I won’t be lending 
          I may sound cruel but who was there to lend me a helping hand when I needed help the most 


@ninetyfourpercent how are you doing just read ur posts. I hope everything worked well for you if not just hold on little longer after every dark night there's a brightest sun ahead.


Me is back from the land of dead
          I had so much to do in my real life that I really did not have the time to care about this space 
          After all I have to slog to earn $ for survival 
          Well I came here because idk where to take this out on it’s too personal to be on my Twitter. Taking out on here feels safe because no one knows me in real life ahahah 
          I was so happy with boss and babe this week but sat I woke up with a bomb lol imagine your colleague come and text you to borrow money from you 
          Not a small sum but not really big either lol but the first thing that ran though my mind was wtf because even at my dire times, I never even thought of lending money from people 
          Imagine eating only one meal a day, going to supermarket and finding the cheapest cup noodle because food is only for survival so whatever that goes in doesn’t matter
          Imagine your mum dropping a bomb on you asking you for 10k+ when you have only just started work for slightly more than a year 
          The thought of borrowing money from others has never once ran through my brain lol 
          I think the only thought that went through is I need to slog and earn and save money 


lol getting back to translating is so difficult Argh 
          On a side note lol I finished midnight motel 
          And tomorrow will be my return to hell 
          I shouldn’t have checked my work email today and saw my boss funny email 
          Discuss and discuss and discuss 
          Wtf is there is discuss lol pls leave me alone and let me have the peace to check and approve everything 
          Don’t waste my time listening to your pointless and useless opinions 


I feel like my body has developed a new mechanism to prevent me and my overeating tendencies 
          These days when I just had slightly over the amount of food my body needs 
          I will end up feeling faint and want to vomit and my stomach will be bloating like crazy 
          It’s so horrible that I will immediately stop any eating 


Tired. Drained. Sick of everything.
          I feel so tired of breathing. 
          Sometimes I just wish that I will never wake up from my sleep. 
          Recently I haven’t been even sleeping much. 
          Imagine only surviving on less than 3 hours of sleep everyday.
          I feel like I’m on my road to self destruction 
          Not that I care
          Not that anyone care either