
Dear readers, new chapter of Aika stories has been posted. Hope you can enjoy it, and by the way for those who are still following this stories, though reluctantly not following me as “follower” still, I thank you for your votes/ stars, appreciate it. 


Dear readers, new chapter of Aika stories has been posted. Hope you can enjoy it, and by the way for those who are still following this stories, though reluctantly not following me as “follower” still, I thank you for your votes/ stars, appreciate it. 


Halo pembaca setia, maaf baru upload  semenjak november tahun lalu. Bab ini memiliki adegan perkelahian yg lebih intens dari bab -bab sebelumnya, so memiliki tingkat  kesulitan tersendiri. FYI bab 15 ini belum diupload sepenuhnya, masih ada adegan berikutnya sebelum berlanjut ke bab berikutnya. Btw happy reading, & enjoy your weekend.


Dear readers, mungkin 2 atau 3 chapters lagi, babak ketiga kisah Aika ini akan selesai. Bagi pembaca yg masih setia mengikuti cerita ini terimakaih banyak, dan mohon difollow untuk menambah semangat penulis. Terimakasih. 


Dear readers, mohon maaf baru bisa upload bab 11 Aika stories tadi malam tepatnya jam 12 an. Harap maklum, penulis mengalami writer block dan hanya bisa cari ide dan nulis  di hari sabtu dan minggu. Tapi  cerita ini akan keep going, so makasih banyak! terutama bagi reader yang kasih semangat dan menjadi  pembaca setia cerita-cerita ini.


Dear readers and specially to my followers, appreciate and thank you for keep reading my stories and also for the stars/votes given. I know you all have daily activities, but still spare the time to read mine, thus thank you and thank you. 
          Your kind support will keep me strive to continue writing stories and looking for new and better ideas. 
          Be kind, productive, and stay healthy everyone!


Dear readers, cerita "My days in Paris" merupakan 1/2 pengalaman penulis di Paris dan  sisanya khayalan/fiksi belaka. Penulisan kali ini seperti impromptu writing, dadakan, tanpa plot dan (sorry) tanpa ending yang direncanakan jelas. Jadi  expect  frequent revisions.   Happy reading!