
let's all admit it,
          	M. night shyamalan is just Aneurin b. but indian and a shorter head


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after seeing one of Eris Baker's character clip... after seeing a clip of a mom pointing out her mother's racism like a fucking champ, i'm TOTS gonna see 'This is Us',,, still not sure about Stranger things tho lolol


@dynamicty99 oooooo ill def check it out then!
            literally same tho!! Yeah i heard, i actually watched a lotta clips of it and it's interesting, and some full episodes so i gotta watch more lolol


@nikkahxdazahh This is Us is good. I'm actually considering on using Eris Baker for a future IT or ST fic. Stranger Things is good too if you're interested in anything sci-fi or 80s-related, but if not, that's ok.