
hi guys !! it’s come to my attention that I used a word in blossom that I shouldn’t have. I had no bad intentions and didn’t mean for it to have a racial connotation, but it does have one and it slipped right past me. I went ahead and edited it out. I’m so sorry to anyone I offended and especially the black community. I promise it won’t happen again in any of my works and if you ever see a word that shouldn’t be used, let me know somehow. 
          	signing off! 


Hey! I just read your work "rich and sad" and I loved it so much!!! would you mind if I translated it into russian and put it on ficbook platform? of course, I will mention your authorship and leave a link to you. thank you very much in advance for your reply.


hi guys !! it’s come to my attention that I used a word in blossom that I shouldn’t have. I had no bad intentions and didn’t mean for it to have a racial connotation, but it does have one and it slipped right past me. I went ahead and edited it out. I’m so sorry to anyone I offended and especially the black community. I promise it won’t happen again in any of my works and if you ever see a word that shouldn’t be used, let me know somehow. 
          signing off! 


hi guys !! I hope you’re staying healthy and safe. I just want to remind you I do have a new account where I’m writing original stories :) dm for the account as long as you don’t mention fanfic !! one of my old stories that some of you may remember is being written on there and I’m very excited
          okay bye! <3 


@nicosniners can I please follow your new account? 


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hey guys. this message a bit long so the second half will be in the replies to this post. 
          due to recent events I will no longer be writing twenty one pilots fanfic anymore since I no longer support the band. that is a choice I need to make for myself. each of you are allowed to make your own choices as well, just respect mine. 
          I do want to put out there that this isn’t the first time something like this has happened and both tyler and jenna have been racist before. here is a link to a thread I saw on twitter. the replies are important too as they hold more information. this person’s account features more instances of racism and the josephs just being overall shitty people.

          if you try to defend this thread specifically, I will mute you. 
          zack, will, and I believe tatum teamed up to harass a minor together. maddy used blm to promote her pyramid scheme and talks shit about her kids on instagram constantly. I know this doesn’t have to do anything with tyler, but it’s obvious the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree here. they also got together on easter in one of the peaks of a pandemic. 
          josh isn’t innocent either. his silence at this point is just as bad. he’s standing with the oppressive side. his siblings’ actions (unfollowing tyler) speaks loud and clear what kind of people are in this band. plus debby passive aggressively posted about cancel culture on her story. it may just be bad timing or it’s her siding with them. that disappoints me as she’s been very vocal about her support online. I do agree that cancel culture is toxic, but after seeing that thread above this is blatant racism. (1/2)


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@falloutgirl44 have a nice day and get the fuck off of my account 


@drugstoremilk this !!! I didn’t add this, and I didn’t mean to condone it either. regardless if anyone continues to support the band, you can’t accept this apology on behalf of the black community if you aren’t black 


god im so late to this but if you aren’t black you can’t accept any form of apology from them for the terrible “joke” tyler made because it doesn’t personally affect you you can be upset at him or continue to support him and the band but at the end of the day only those affected by his “joke” are allowed to forgive/accept any apology 


well now we know it wasn't about BLM and one of his post have me concerned about his current mental health but he meant no harm but I saw death threats for tyler about this and I think it's being blow out of proportion and I hope we all get past this soon


@DeathBandit and that’s okay. that’s your choice. we can each make our own 


@nicosniners I respect your opinion fully and understand where you are coming from but I personally can not walk away with that being said i'm going to continue to support and follow you stay safe friend lots of love


@DeathBandit the whole thing was constant jab after jab. he gaslighted everyone in those tweets and his words were borderline emotionally abusive. even when he tweeted about blm it was after people were forcing him to and he said that only one problem could exist at a time and claimed “there was no room for mental health” I think it’s funny how he didn’t even try to apologize until the discord servers got shut down until he apologized. he doesn’t deserve any death threats and that’s terrible. this wasn’t blown out of proportion I don’t think. this has been needing to happen for awhile. these past couple of months he’s failed to show up for his fans. I can’t support someone like that 


Do you plan on keep on writing your joshler stories though? With this whole sh*t that Tyler did? I hope you do, but that's cause for me the fics are not really "them" you know? Idk how this feels for you.


@rooms-of-depression I know what you mean, they’re usually just names and faces for me. I’ll have a decision soon on what I’m doing with my works. 


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WOW yeah fuck tyler joseph he’s a straight white rich cis privileged piece of shit. I’m done 


@barbeau_17 yeah, I get what you're saying. I completely understand why people aren't happy with tyler atm and am also against his stupid post. I'm really just disappointed and don't want to throw away the thing I've had so many good memories with.


@RADIOSPHINX i think that as long as you acknowledged that they have messed up, then it’s ok to still listen to them. what’s not ok though, is to act like they didn’t do anything wrong. 


@RADIOSPHINX I don’t expect much either at this point. he’s helped me a lot too, but remember it was us who prevailed in the end— not him making us. we’re too strong for a man in his thirties to belittle human rights. it’s incredibly disappointing. I’ve lost four artists I loved these past few months 