Hello Hello ฅ'ω'ฅ My name's Nicole (⌒o⌒) I am a very lazy girl hahaha I have so many stories that are on going but unfortunately something inside me doesn't want to continue it 〒_〒 If any of you knows how to help me with this problem, PM ME Σ(⊙▽⊙") HAHA

I'm 14 and I'm gonna be in the 9th Grade this school year. (Hoora!) I am a Kpop fan. V.I.P, BLACKJACK, IGOT7, HOTTEST, and so on~~ ╮(╯▽╰)╭ My hobby is to lie down, use ma phone for stuffs, read stories, WATCH MOVIES (sorry I just really love watching movies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) I am a potterhead ⚡I'm Filipino btw. I just speak English coz I stink in speaking in Tagalog pfft. ╯﹏╰ That's one of my problems in writing stories. ╯﹏╰

I have an internet bestie ----> pakernoona_ ❤ I love this girl soo much
  • JoinedFebruary 11, 2015