
Hey girls and guys, if you have any stories worth recommending, please do. Any genres are welcome. Completed stories are preferable though :) love you all, have a super day!!


@nibiruchick if u check out my profile, u will know but seems like u didnt stalk me like SOMEONE I know xD
           Good guurlll xD anyways, I live...
          In your refrigerator!


Hehehe imstill learning here lol I will be stalking soon, so don't get your hopes up of me being a good girl lol. Refrigerator... Damn, now I'm hungry! Thanks for putting that thought in my head lol


@Pariz_Love So... I literally stared at your comment for a few minutes, because every time you comment I stalk you and read 0_0
          Idk I think it's smart...
          Anyhow (when I know someone totally well, it feels weird thanking them, because at the beginning I always am), I guess.... T HA N K YO U very much for that...
          If I knew different language for 'thank you', I'd totally use it right now 
          ^^^^^ YOU were the one who made me use 'LOL' more. 


@nibiruchick ohhh mom, ily!! You def. gave birth to a legend!! :D thank you and *turn my big black chair around* I'll be expecting u..


@Pariz_Love *rubs temples* oh snap! I think I've just made friends with the mafia (big black chair) ah, but whatever, I shall come to thee oh one that has a nice chair!!