Just a 17 year old homeschooler with an empty mug of tea, but a full imagination. 

No, but seriously, my imagination is pitiful. True story: During the brief period in which I attended regular high school, my English teacher asked me what rain foreshadows in a story. The anticipated answer was "sadness or depression". I answered mud.

So, yeah, now I'm a writer.

Also, here are some random facts about me:

- I am the biggest Saturday Night Live fan
- The only cosplay I have is Paul McCartney
- I don't know what cosplay is
- I am a Killjoy
- Like literally, I eradicate joy and pleasure
- Just kidding I am a proponent of My Chemical Romance
- I get scared every time I walk into Hot Topic
- I drove myself to driver's training
  • That narrow alley between a non-authentic sushi bar and a laundry mat
  • BergabungApril 29, 2013