
If you want to read "the future's unwritten [the past is a corridor]" over on Twitter, here's the link. Follow me if you want lol


Sooooooo hey guys! HAHAHA. After weeks of not being able to update, here it is. Sobrang naging busy ako sa school and I was also experiencing some kind of writer's block for some reason. But I'm slowly bouncing back from it. 
          Anyway, personal life update that nobody cares about: I was diagnosed with depression and am now on anti-depressants. And my psychiatrist advised me to try to do things outside of school that bring me comfort. For me, that's writing. I want to be able to still enjoy writing, so please leave comments to motivate me. But I also don't want this to feel like a requirement, so try not to hurry me for updates. I promise you, if I'm motivated enough, we'll get to the more exciting parts quicker.
          And with that, enjoy the next chapter!


Still not sure when I can update panacea again. Midterms are coming up and I've been very busy. Also some personal stuff. But as soon as I'm less busy, I'll start writing again. For the meantime, spread the word about this story or read my other works on Twitter. Links here:


@neilwritesfics fighting good luck on your exams


@Beberhiz unfortunately, that's true. been through a lot hehe but i'm seeking professional help. thanks for the concern! 


@neilwritesfics i'm a fan of your stories..def will wait whenever you are free to continue writing. I hope you are doing well as sometimes i'm worried with what you post in twitter. For someone so young, it seems you've been through a lot. Take care Neil 