
good and bad i define these terms
          	quite clear, no doubt somehow
          	ah, but i was so much older then 
          	i'm younger than that now :)


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totally made a spam book because i'm unoriginal and too funny to not make one?? like it would seriously be a shame if i didn't...
          am i? idk! 
          read for yourself (if you'd like)
          delving into the everyday life of your local dumbass


just got a chromebook! very excited i don't have to sit in the chilly basement and use our families 15+ year old desktop anymore...hopefully it'll inspire me to write more! also, i have eleven chapters of the george story already written (oops) i started uploading when i hit chapter eight i believe? just like to give myself wiggle room, at any rate i'm really happy with how the story progresses :) can't wait to share!


somebody told me it is a very sexy man's birthday...jk i literally knew this happy birthday bitch a$$ i love you? anyways only caitlin is reading this so hello caitlin i love you! and on the off chance anyone else is... hello i love you too!


can't believe i didn't say mick's name once? i mean we know who im talking abt tho right there is only one very sexy man


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hey squad! promise i haven't forgotten about my book...i'm uploading all the chapters at once and recently i've been lacking motivation, but today i put aside a day for just writing! hopefully the story will be done within the week...than you to all my devoted followers for being so patient (insert nail emoji) i love you all! anyways read @caitlinlovesbookss ' stuff while you wait  cuz her shit is amazing...also and mia's book called "like dreamers do" i think? IDK UR USER MIA IM SORRY LOVE YOU THO