
Hey Guys, 
          	I am editing Bound To The Alpha, if you find there are any errors, please be patient until the story is complete and error free :) 
          	Tied To The Alpha will still continue and I will be posting 1 or 2 chapters every week. 
          	Thank you ♡


@OrphanOfTheUniverse Yeah, trying new things and learning about it just increases our knowledge. And hey, don't they say knowledge is power? :)) 
          The only thing that seperates us from the world is our knowledge. You can either stand out or hide away. It's up to the person to decide. But don't you think the world would be a little bit better if people with great potential don't hide? If there's one thing I learned from you, it's that I shouldn't waste my potential :) 


Hi! I am really into your novels! I wonder if you are willing to take writing as a part time job? My company is reaching out to good werewolf romance writers to publish on Amazon. We offer competitive payment and stable collaboration. My email is, or please leave your email if you are interested. Looking forward to your reply (^_^)v


Missing the messages already... :/


@mysterixus_girl Oh, I do like lavender, although sometimes it can give me a headache if it's too strong. I'm so glad you approve of strawberry and I am even more glad you think it suits Sophia! I'm trying to be more descriptive of her from now on - what she looks like, what she's wearing, how she moves, etc. - which can be challenging since I'm, you know, just a guy, so please feel free to offer any suggestions or advice about what she needs at any time. I know she is of Greek decent and has dark hair and eyes, and has tan skin. And she likes sundresses I guess, but maybe that's more because that's really about the extent of my knowledge of girl's clothing? haha!


@mysterixus_girl Thank you! As I consider your writing skills to be vastly superior to my own, any compliment or comment from you carries tremendous weight. :) I feel my writing, especially in telling Sophia's story, is improving so much because of your influence. I know I thank you a ton, but at the same time it feels like I can't say it enough, you know? 
            I'm still grading ESL essays, which means Sophia has to wait. Too bad since she was ON FIRE where I left off. 
            Did you notice I made her perfume strawberry scented? Don't worry, I'm not getting weird with the story, but I needed her to make a point by standing close and I couldn't think what her perfume would smell like, then remembered you mention strawberry a lot in your stories. haha!
            I noticed you published chapter fifteen in Tied To The Alpha, so I read, voted, and made a couple minor edits. Hope Kira has more things go her way soon!


@OrphanOfTheUniverse Hii. Thanks. I think strawberry would really suit Sophia, you know. Maybe lavender would be a good match too! I love both either way :)) 


Jayden Archer is an immortal warrior, an archer to be specific, and a shifter. Centuries after the war Jayden found his mate, Samara Mars who is an intern archeologist in Jayden's friends company. 
          After rejecting Jayden so many times, she found out what and who he truly is. The bond between them pulled them closer and she tried her best to ignore it. But when she finally gave in... 
          Jayden and his three brothers have to face vampires and demons that Lucifer sends to find the cure. The cure──a formula that can turn someone immortal──Samara ends up drinking it. Of course, she didn't tell anyone. But when the time came and Jayden couldn't protect her, she fell into the hands of the enemy. 
          Will Jayden and his brothers rescue Samara from Hell? 
          Read to find out↓