
Hi! I know I haven't updated the ongoing stories for long enough and I know it might seem like I'm giving excuses. 
          	No, I've not forgotten any of you guys. 
          	And no, I'm not ignoring this space or giving it up. 
          	I've been having quite a hectic time, what with personal struggles to ones related with family and academic/social life- 
          	I've got my finals, first year of uni coming to an end- 
          	Please give me one more week and I promise the updates then will be quicker, more frequent, and more scheduled. 
          	I love you people and all your support. 
          	I'm still here, trying to manage writing but I messed up a few weeks in between and everything took a turn for the worst. 
          	Getting back on track sounds easier and the process seems to be easily approachable until you put it to work and turns out- it's even more of a mess. 
          	So give me just a week's worth of time and I'll be up to charts with everything and everyone. 
          	Take care of yourselves too! 
          	Loads of love


Hi! I know I haven't updated the ongoing stories for long enough and I know it might seem like I'm giving excuses. 
          No, I've not forgotten any of you guys. 
          And no, I'm not ignoring this space or giving it up. 
          I've been having quite a hectic time, what with personal struggles to ones related with family and academic/social life- 
          I've got my finals, first year of uni coming to an end- 
          Please give me one more week and I promise the updates then will be quicker, more frequent, and more scheduled. 
          I love you people and all your support. 
          I'm still here, trying to manage writing but I messed up a few weeks in between and everything took a turn for the worst. 
          Getting back on track sounds easier and the process seems to be easily approachable until you put it to work and turns out- it's even more of a mess. 
          So give me just a week's worth of time and I'll be up to charts with everything and everyone. 
          Take care of yourselves too! 
          Loads of love


The new book, 'Constellations' is out with its first chapter. Go ahead and check it out. 
          I wasn't so sure about it but I've been working on the story for a while, so I hope you'll like it. 
          The epilogue to 'Cookies' will be out within the next week, give me some time for that. 
          'Constellations' will be updated every third day unless otherwise, the first two chapters will be out in the upcoming two days just to give a kickstart to the book. 
          Thank you for keeping up with me. I genuinely hope you'll like it. 
          Loads of love


this message may be offensive
          My lovely readers(sounded cliche, blame me, imma anti-romantic, keke). 
          It's good to be back. 
          2023 was a shit-show. For both, my writing and my personal life. 
          I failed a lot of times, spent hours crying, and just tried through the nights to not give up. 
          It was damn hard, for many of us, eh? 
          But we're still here. 
          And I'm proud of myself for getting through 2023, frankly, just like I'm proud of each one of you. If you failed in things, it's alright. If you succeeded, that's great. But just know, this is a new year(not gon do that 'new year and new me' shit but you get the point-), it's another chance, to get better. 
          And I'm sure that this is something each one of us will agree on, despite a hard time, we learned shitloads, didn't we? 
          I did. Personally enough to get me to start journalling and suddenly realize that I was giving myself the very much-needed therapy(on my cause that shit's expensive lol). 
          So yeah, here's wishing each one of you, a very happy new year!


@Saphyriel77 You too! Thank you so much! 


@moonsghostie  just have a lovely 2024 , filled with inspiration,  healing and love! ❤️


I didn't wish you guys Christmas, did I? 
            I'm so sorry. 
            Firstly, I should be expressing my apologies(kinda formal but very much needed), for not being here and for not replying to many of you. 
            Secondly, 500+ followers- it was only a dream until years ago, and seeing it come to life when I didn't even put my hopes- I love you guys, frankly, so much(a 143 coming from me, tell my family and they'll go nuts). 
            Thirdly, despite everything, just know that I'm very much thankful to each one of you! For being here, for waiting, for despite everything, reading my works, and acknowledging them. 
            I love you guys, a lot(getting emo now).
            I've seen a lot, and learned a lot too! From my idols, I've seen the way even they, have failed and succeeded after trying- but they kept trying and that brought me here. 
            I'm going to keep trying too! I'm going to keep doing my best. 
            I hope you'll keep trying. 
            While it's okay to not be okay, let's not give up, yeah? Let's take 2024 as a fresh start and begin a better path. 
            If any one of you is hurting, I'm here. Now. I'll always be here. I know the past few months, you guys haven't heard much from me. But now, if any of you needs to talk, help- I'm here. 
            Feel free, yeah? Just like I do with you guys, cause I know that this is a safe place and I'm not going to be judged. 
            Many fresh pieces are coming from my side, that's a will and not a promise because promises often aren't kept. 
            I 'will' be continuing writing and bringing you new stuff, gradually. 
            Uni is there and ever so hard, so it might be possible I go for week-long breaks but never more than that. I'm trying to handle my (surprise-)ADHD. I'll try to be more consistent. 
            (A gift to welcome the new year's- new book out soon within this week!) 
            Anyway, this is a lot for now, 'm surely gon' add more when I wake up in the morning; 
            But for now, loads of love! 
            This is me, signing out(but I'll be here) 