


We're gonna miss you, but everything should come to an end. 
          	  All the best for your future!!!!
          	  We support you, and are very proud of you.


@moonsfeel gonna miss you ❤️ loved all your stories. Wanna say something ,before your stories i loved your name ,you have a beautiful name dear


Dear Hazel Ermin Kaur,
          I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to express my profound admiration for your book, "Crumbled Sandcastles." As an avid reader, I have had the pleasure of reading your book (Crumbled Sandcastles) and I must say, it left a lasting impression on me. As an enthusiast of literature, I was deeply moved by the narrative and complexity of the characters you've crafted. It was a work I found impossible to set aside until the very last page.
          Regrettably, I've observed that the book is no longer accessible on online platforms, which is quite disheartening. Could you please provide some insight into the circumstances that led to its withdrawal?
          Understanding that these decisions are within your purview as the author, I am nonetheless curious about any specific factors contributing to its current unavailability. Any information you could share would be greatly appreciated.
          Additionally, I am keen to know if there are plans for a re-release. The book has resonated with many, myself included, and it would be unfortunate if it were to remain out of reach. Should there be prospects for its return to publication, I would be grateful to learn of the timeline and means by which it might once again be available.
          Your work has been a beacon of inspiration, and I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to further support your literary endeavors.
          Thank you for considering my inquiry, and I wish you all the best for your future endeavors.
          Warm regards,


Hey author hii sorry to bother but can you please tell me about your book warm hearts i can't find it !!???please reply


Hey moonsfeel's please don't remove that "Crumbled Sandcastles" novel...have been reading that since so long....and now I can't read feels so bad..I couldn't miss the ending and all...please re upload it if u can's a humble request ❤️...
          And yes all the best for your new beginnings...may u rise and shine✨...
          But that book....I can't leave it like that...please it hurts moonfeel's


Gonna miss you so much dear writer! Wishing you all the very, very best for your journey 


@booklover3015 she's leaving Wattpad and is gonna publish her own books as hard copies 




We're gonna miss you, but everything should come to an end. 
            All the best for your future!!!!
            We support you, and are very proud of you.


@moonsfeel gonna miss you ❤️ loved all your stories. Wanna say something ,before your stories i loved your name ,you have a beautiful name dear


Hey please don't remove crumbed sand castles please


@moonsfeel Oh ok. I am happy for you and excited to get one ◉⁠‿⁠◉


@Galaxy2628 i am going to publish it in paperback :)