
Hey my soulmate,
          	I know you’ve all been eagerly waiting for an update, and I’m truly sorry for the delay. Life’s been pretty hectic, and I’ve been focusing on uploading content to my YouTube channel—I’ve actually started posting there again! But don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about *Dark Obsession*. The next episode will be coming out next month, although I’ll be honest, I haven’t written a single word of the new chapter yet. I’m still figuring out the best way to start it, so please bear with me a little longer.
          	To everyone who’s been asking me not to separate Tae and Y/N, I hear you! I appreciate your love for the story, and I promise I won’t disappoint you. Trust me with the journey ahead, and I’ll make sure it’s worth the wait. 
          	Thank you for your patience and endless support—I love you all! 
          	Stay tuned!
          	If you're interested, feel free to follow me on my YouTube channel as well! Your support means the world to me, whether it’s here or there. 
          	We can't share link but my youtube channel name is same Moonlight Stars


Hey my soulmate,
          I know you’ve all been eagerly waiting for an update, and I’m truly sorry for the delay. Life’s been pretty hectic, and I’ve been focusing on uploading content to my YouTube channel—I’ve actually started posting there again! But don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about *Dark Obsession*. The next episode will be coming out next month, although I’ll be honest, I haven’t written a single word of the new chapter yet. I’m still figuring out the best way to start it, so please bear with me a little longer.
          To everyone who’s been asking me not to separate Tae and Y/N, I hear you! I appreciate your love for the story, and I promise I won’t disappoint you. Trust me with the journey ahead, and I’ll make sure it’s worth the wait. 
          Thank you for your patience and endless support—I love you all! 
          Stay tuned!
          If you're interested, feel free to follow me on my YouTube channel as well! Your support means the world to me, whether it’s here or there. 
          We can't share link but my youtube channel name is same Moonlight Stars


Sorry dear author I deleted the message but let’s leave those things behind.
          Do tell me how are you and your family especially your cute little baby .I just didn’t like the fact that people are using your account to sponsor their fanfiction that’s it .Sorry 


Dear Author you can just make a post of not sponsoring fanfiction 


I am doing good too dear but just focused on school  exams 


@shyshinko It's okay sis you don't need to say sorry to me. My little baby is giving me hard time 


Are you on insta author


Unnie don't you have a youtube account?!! 


@TinaDey0 oh thank you so much for your love and support 


@TinaDey0 yesss that's why I'm not finding ur mafia series... thanks to God i finally got... you're amazing unnie I really love ur mafia series..and i read it like 2 years ago... I was so addicted that's why I was typing to find it 


@TinaDey0 is that so my youtube channel was hacked and deleted 