
Hello all, sorry it has been so long. In preparation for rebranding/changing my content, I will be moving any of my fan fiction related works to my Archive of Our Own (AO3) account. My AO3 account is misty_chaos.
          	I can’t say exact dates yet, but I will give notice when things are moved. This applies to all the current completed books I have on this Wattpad account. I’m still in the process of figuring out how I want to do things, but I have many ideas and plans I hope to set in motion. My content here will likely continue to be centred around lgbtq+, but it will be focused on original stories. If I do write or publish any more fan fiction, it will be on my AO3.
          	Thank you to anyone who is still around and has supported me and my passion. I’ve been struggling a lot with letting my creativity flow again, so your support means so much more than you realize.
          	If there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to send them here or message me in dms. I’m assuming since it’s been so long, most of you have moved on, but it’s still nice to hear from people who’ve appreciated my work in the past, no matter how cringe I find it to be. Best regards :)


Hello all, sorry it has been so long. In preparation for rebranding/changing my content, I will be moving any of my fan fiction related works to my Archive of Our Own (AO3) account. My AO3 account is misty_chaos.
          I can’t say exact dates yet, but I will give notice when things are moved. This applies to all the current completed books I have on this Wattpad account. I’m still in the process of figuring out how I want to do things, but I have many ideas and plans I hope to set in motion. My content here will likely continue to be centred around lgbtq+, but it will be focused on original stories. If I do write or publish any more fan fiction, it will be on my AO3.
          Thank you to anyone who is still around and has supported me and my passion. I’ve been struggling a lot with letting my creativity flow again, so your support means so much more than you realize.
          If there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to send them here or message me in dms. I’m assuming since it’s been so long, most of you have moved on, but it’s still nice to hear from people who’ve appreciated my work in the past, no matter how cringe I find it to be. Best regards :)


How is everyone doing?


@KayMoore9102 Life is very busy still :’)


@moon-aurita I'm doing alright, how are you doing?


@Katherine271293 I feel you, me too. Do you want to talk about it at all? I’m sorry you aren’t feeling so hot.


I'm sorry I don't want to be the one to kick a Dead Horse but you Might aswell Add Ohmwrecker to that List. He Straight Up Accused Delirious and the Vanoss Crew (Mostly Delirious) For something that wasn't true. Only one Was True but It was covered Decade Ago.


Hey! Yeah, I know Ohm is also not the greatest of people and I’ve seen what he’s done. Although he’s scum, I never wrote him as in depth in my stories (or I guess whatever is left of them) so I will adjust things accordingly. Thanks for mentioning it and I hope you’re doing well!


A real quick question, do people still see photos on some of my chapters that are supposed to contain photos? They don’t display at all for me anymore which is really weird, so I’m wondering if it’s just me or if they have actually been removed. If so, that kinda sucks because trying to find all of the photos I used and edit the back in will be practically impossible :’)


Hey all, sending out a brief message that my name has been changed! My original name didn’t have much thought and to be honest I kinda cringed at it so I’ve been meaning to make this change for some time haha. I will still be misty_chaos on AO3, but from now on I will be moon-aurita here :) as to why I’ve chosen this name: I originally wanted to do Aurelia or Aurita but those were taken. I was going for the scientific name for moon jelly lol, which is Aurelia aurita. I felt that was a little bit of a mouthful, so I mixed the common name with the scientific species classification. Moon jellies are considered true jellies, as they only have a very small almost non-existent polyp stage compared to other classes of jellyfish. I’ll stop the confusion now lol. 
          Anyways enjoy your holidays!
          Aurita, or Rita for short and easier pronunciation lol


To the people who have come to my profile looking for books such as Duet and/or Ensemble,
          I have unpublished all works that centre around Lui Calibre and Mini Ladd due to these individuals committing acts that I find incredibly disturbing and not worth being promoted, even if I have a fictional take on them. I will no longer be writing about real individuals (so no more H2OVanoss :’)) because I’ve grown to realize that it is something that I am not as comfortable with anymore. That being said, I will still ship or enjoy reading ships about some individuals, just no more writing. 
          I am going through the process of rebranding this account which includes changing my username and content. I’d like to delve into more original content and I’ve matured a lot since I’ve made this account, so I’d like to start a little fresher. I’ll keep up my H2OVanoss stuff up and such for now, but I’m still undecided about whether or not I’ll eventually remove it here (I may put it on AO3 so people can still enjoy it). 
          To all who have stuck through and continued to support me during this hiatus, I appreciate you so much more than you know. I’m sorry that I will no longer be doing BBS content, but I still plan to be well-involved in LGBTQ literature so when I get back to writing, I hope that those that stayed because they enjoyed my writing (which still boggles my mind haha) will feel the wait worth while when I bring in some fresher and more original stories to the table. 
          Happy New Year everyone and stay safe!


@Blue_Bookworm735 I never realized I never replied to you omg I’m so sorry ahhhhh ;;-;; I want to say thank you for sticking by me for so long, I really appreciate it truly and I hope you are doing well and staying safe :’)


@moon-aurita again, thank you, I actually look up to Craig so much, I wanted his ability to be funny, to be happy, to make friends, I guess I can still try those, but it's gonna be harder without a role model


@TiannaKing I’m so sorry that you had to find out all this horrible information like I did as we have probably both grown up enjoying their content. All I can say is that these two people thankfully didn’t drag down the other guys, but it still upsets me that while I was writing about them, they were hurting others. I made sure that the evidence and claims were true as I didn’t want to accuse anyone of anything but sadly it seems our eyes were covered by a veil, and that veil has been removed. I hope you are doing well this season and please stay safe, since we clearly can’t trust everyone on the internet, especially those we don’t personally know.


Hey folks, just sending a week’s notice to all that any of my books that centre around Lui Calibre (Lui) or Mini Ladd (Craig Thompson) will be removed soon. January 1st, the books include Duet, Ensemble, Whirlwind, and any one shots involving these individuals will be unpublished. I have said my stance before, but I will repeat just in case people don’t know. I know I take a fictional take on these people and write them my own way, but in the end, they are real people who have done bad things. I don’t want to be an introduction or increase exposure of these two individuals, but I also understand that I have put my heart into writing the stories involving them and people have really enjoyed them in the past. I’m sorry if this upsets anyone, but I just don’t feel comfortable advertising (because in a way it is) and shipping real people anymore, especially those that have done deplorable things and refuse to take accountability. Unfortunate Omega will also be considered as complete, since I am done writing about real ppl (although I still ship them, just low key now haha). If anyone really loved these books (god bless your soul), as long as you put them in your library and don’t delete them, I believe they can still be read even after I delete. I also won’t be completely deleting these books, so if someone missed their chance to save these books, I may make an exception. I will be getting into writing original novels when I’m free from here on. Thank you all who continue to support me and who have supported me in the past.
          Merry Christmas everyone!


@misty-chaos of course! I also had to take down my most popular works because of it so I feel your pain. I think it’s best that we all just move on from those two as quick as possible so they don’t get any more attention, even negative wise. Anyways, like I said before, good luck with your future writing and I can’t wait to see what you come up with <3


@HellIsAPerfectPlace Merry Christmas to you too! Thank you for understanding where I’m coming from with this. I just don’t feel right having works centred around individuals like this even if it was before these things came to light. Not everyone will know that and I don’t want to promote them in any way, even in fan fiction.


It takes a lot of strength to completely delete a book you put so much time, effort, love and tears into. I’m glad that you’re taking them down because supporting people like Craig and Lui is absolutely not the RIGT thing to do anymore, but I’m also sad because I’ll miss some of the old books that I used to read from you years ago. 
            I look forward to your original novels. GOODLUCK!
            And also have a Merry Christmas <3


Just piggy backing off of my previous post, but I’ve also known for a little while that Lui Calibre is responsible for treating past girlfriends incredibly poorly. I didn’t say anything because I wanted to make sure the claims about him had enough evidence (in my opinion) to be considered true. While I don’t think he may have done some of the really extreme things being mentioned, I do believe he is abusive to women and I will never support someone like that. I refuse to promote people like Lui and Mini!add which is why I will 100% be unpublishing works centred around those two individuals. Please understand that I see people like my ship books involving them and it makes me feel like I’m sitting by allowing manipulative people to be romanticized even if I write about them fictionally. Thank you for those that understand.


@Melonbread96 I don’t hear about evidence of a dick pic. That’s nasty, and I can’t believe his schtick was to act like a little kid. God 2020 is just a crap year.


Hey all, I just want to give a heads up so this doesn’t come as a shock to people when I make these changes. I’ve mentioned it before about how I don’t support MiniLadd, but I also realize I have made novels shipping him th Wildcat.
          I’ve also grown to realize that although I do have a fictional take on people when I right my stories, it’s doesn’t change the fact that these are real people. Right now I’m sitting in a state of limbo, deciding whether or not I should unpublish all of my works as they ship real people, and seeing Delirious (whom I hardcore ship with Vanoss) have a child really opened my eyes.
          Of course, I still ship H2OVanoss, will always love the guys, and understand that most of them don’t mind people shipping, but I actually wrote about them (and did smut). I won’t be scrapping this account or anything, and when I get back into writing it will be original works and characters (I have so many ideas and am really excited for when that time comes).
          Anyways, I will go into depth soon on what will happen, but please be aware of certain possible changes: any books involving shipping will become unpublished (which is like all of my books rip), H2OVanoss ship books stay up, but all smut, ship books and MiniCat books are unpublished.
          Please understand why I am taking these possible steps in the future, and feel free to discuss and ask questions. If you follow me because of BBS only that’s perfectly fine. You may want to consider removing me from your feed then. Stay safe everyone and I will be back with details soon!


 If you do decide to delete the books (or any scenes from them) can you give us a heads up so we can read them before they go away? I really enjoy your books and would like to commit as much of them as I can to memory before they go away


BIG DISCLAIMER. I do not condone or support Mini Ladd and his actions. I haven’t for a while and although I have written about him in the past, it was when he was still with the gang. My writing usually always uses a fictional take on the real people I write about, and I would never write about a person who preys on and takes advantage of minors. I will keep my ship books involving Craig Thompson up, but please don’t associate the Craig I wrote about with the one now. I wish I had realized earlier how dodgy he was and I encourage others to double check if they should be supporting him or not. Thank you.


@Melonbread96 He is aware what he’s doing is wrong but he still does it and thinks the matter will blow over smh. It’s a slap in the face to the people he’s hurt.


@Melonbread96 Yeah, I saw that too. Also how Craig would chat with some of these underage girls inappropriately while still being in a relationship. I feel bad for Sami as she was completely unaware of what her boyfriend at the time was doing behind her back. To be honest, I think Craig needs help and needs to get off of the internet. He isn’t a good role model and the fact that his content caters to younger audiences while he takes advantage of that is disturbing.


            I've reread what you said, and your response. I appreciate you being worried about me, thank you. And I am rethinking this whole situation. And I've read what everyone else has said too. I'm honestly really confused. I mean, having watched this guy for so long I've seen him do a lot of things. A lot of really good things. I stayed out of the drama of him leaving, I know him and Brian fought. And Craig said they had been drunk so I just thought it was the alcohol. Everyone becomes a different person when they're drunk enough. 
            But a lot of this I didn't know. I didn't know that he admitted to saying inappropriate things, I just saw his 'disclaimer' video. The beginning was sketchy but I was still just confused. And, I've seen the thumbnail with Panda and the bubble, and I thought that was really weird but didn't think all that hard about it.
            I hope he's not lying when he says he's talking to a therapist. Because if everything we're all saying is true, he might have a type of lying disorder, or personality disorder. I honestly believe that Craig is a good person  who made some bad decisions. I don't support these decisions, I don't think these situations were handled in the best way. And, them being public is good, but it's also hard to know what's true and what's not. I just hope he gets help. And in the meantime, just keeps his head down and stays away from anyone he might hurt. 