
From rereading our back & about the story. I have some questions, what was the deal if including their SAT score? Why did carter abandoned sadie? Why was your attack on titan assassin creed idea? Why does Roxxan look so much like thalia ( Actually like this idea, just want to know why... maby distant cousins?)? have you tried any of my suggestions to pass time?


I'm just really curious about the answers to the questions above. Another note sense all mythologies and even a few urban legends have some truth to them, immorality and eternal youth is a lot more common than you would expect.


Just curious, what your opinion on my OCs on chapter 9. Like Jin liang or Rosa Delgato.


@observer213 I did a personality for each of my OCs. I did the test over 10 times, for each one. I answered each one of the questions in how i think the characters would answer. Rosa got the "Entertainer" personality or ESFP. I even did one for your OCs Roxxane, she came as a "Debatet" or ENTP. NOTE:self post all personality results for all OCS.


I did that once and got mediator too


By the way look up Free personality test: 16personalities, which you guess ha 16 different personalities. It pretty accurate, and it is great for writing characters. Just answer the question in how you believe you characters would answer. The results gives each personality strengths&weaknesses, how they interact, and how to approach issues. It's amazing for character interaction.  For example Percy/Ivan in my story is INFP, the Mediator.