
Your story seems interesting and I love the idea of it and I have seen you are no longer writing it and that you are already getting or  allowing  someone else to continue or adopt it, that's cool of you to do.. I would like to read your story at some point tomorrow have a good night 


Hello, I am a writer here on Wattpad as well and if you won’t mind, I like to rewrite this story and give it more zest so to speak. It was at a great start and if it is not too much trouble, I would very much like to continue this story while also give a HUGE shout out to you in the description as the story is yours. Don’t have to answer and you can deny me of this request but please think about it and let me know. If the answer is no, I respect that and will not bother you again but I will continue showing support from one author to another.


@luvgoddess894 your welcome and I'm glad you decided to take it up.


Thank you, you will be the first one to get to new draft of it.


@luvgoddess894 of course actually I was hoping someone would because the idea was great to me and I would love if you did. You can rewrite it all you want and I can't wait to see how it will go as you make it your own version with more zest to it. I support you too and your more than welcome!


U alive 


@Keria_Boukyaku how would you like to help? With the plot or future ideas?


I can I help u with the twilight fanfic 


@Keria_Boukyaku yes i'm alive.I am having writers block right now and I don't know what to right about in either of my stories next. So sorry!