
Hey all! "A Mafia Love Story" has just been updated with another new chapter! Go check it out guys :) 


@SamarJaafreh the latest chapter is "Dying for her", maybe try refreshing and then check again.


@miss_cherry001  failed to load  this msg keeps appearing every time i try to open the   chapter 


Hey all! "A Mafia Love Story" has just been updated with another new chapter! Go check it out guys :) 


@SamarJaafreh the latest chapter is "Dying for her", maybe try refreshing and then check again.


@miss_cherry001  failed to load  this msg keeps appearing every time i try to open the   chapter 


Hii guys! Hope y'all are doing well. Please go follow me on insta, I've created a separate IG account for my writing stuff only. There I'll be posting about new story ideas, you guys can also give your recommendations and stuff. We can now interact more♥️ Cool isn't it? :D 
          The link to my IG is mentioned on my profile too!


When are you gonna published the next chapter?? ☹️


@Jeshminmukherjee Take your time...you can do it. Fighting! 


Hi guys!! Hope y'all are doing well. I just wanna say that I've published the first few chapters of my new book "Falling in love with Mr. Billionaire". It's been in my draft for a long time and so I thought to finally publish it. Now that AMLS is about to end I thought it's the right time to start with this one. It's completely different from AMLS, it's about rich billionaires, it has humor, friendships, relationships. Do give it a try and just like how you guys gave so much love to AMLS, I hope you do the same with this one. Rest I know it depends on the story, if it's worth it only then you'll love it, but do give it a try once Healthy criticism is always appreciated :) 
          Thank you
          All the love


@Leesarang5 thank you for reading :)) 


@miss_cherry001  I read the first chapter and it looks good already


Hey lovely people! OMG "AMLS" now has 150k reads! I can't believe it's reached these many views  For me it's a lot since I didn't even expect anyone to read my book in the first place. Thank you so much y'all I LOVE YOU❤️❤️


@miss_cherry001 You'll get more reads in future!! You deserve it :)


Hello my lovelies! So guys I've FINALLY figured how I'm going to end AMLS (A Mafia Love Story) and I'm so excited to write it down!! Lol I started writing this book somewhere around May, 2020 and now after almost 3 years I'm finally able to complete it! I know I really took A LOT of time to finish this but I would say writing this book has been such an experience for me, literally! This is going to be my first ever completed book and it's like a bitter sweet feeling. I'm happy lol that finally I can now start working on my other books that has been in my drafts for a long time. But I'd always look back to this book as an amateur writer, I've learnt a lot through this book. I didn't join Wattpad to write at all, it was only to read, but here I'm now close to finish my first book & starting to write more!
          Also, without you guys this wouldn't have been possible, as you handful of people who have been reading my book, some from the very beginning & some who came in between, I'm thankful to every single one of you for each comment and vote! ❤️ You guys were my only motivation because of you guys only I kept on writing otherwise without your "When will be the next update?", I wouldn't have been able to continue with this book, so THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
          Lol I think I should leave some words for later, when I'm posting the last chapter of AMLS.
          Until then, see ya! ❤️❤️


@miss_cherry001 Dear author it has been really a fun to read book. Yes the updates were sometimes late but like you mentioned you always provided with exciting chapter every time and as an amateur writer I would say you did a great job!! Looking forward to the next update :) 



@Mystical___Girl hii! Yes I'm a huge fan of such books & ya sure I'd love to check out your book :) 


Hello my lovely readers!❤️ I hope y'all are doing fine. Sorry this isn't an announcement for new update but just a random thought since I don't usually post anything on my wall. Okay, so how did you guys come across my book? Also, it's been 3 years lol, I started this book (A Mafia Love Story) in 2020, at that time I had thought I'd be able to finish it in just a few months. But as we all can see that didn't happen lol. I mean I had the entire plot ready in my head and since it was my first book I was like "Oh I got this, just few months and I'll be done with my very first book!". But then I realised it wasn't that easy. A lot of things happened in my life as well along the way, I had some medical condition, then due to corona there was mental stress, and then I got busy in other things in life (I got my very first job, I got into a "real" relationship where the guy wasn't just there with me to pass his time). So ya that's why my book is still "work in progress" and it's 2023, but I'll definitely complete in few months. We're close to just few more chapters and then poof! The book is done!
          I still can't believe to this day, how you guys still read my book lol coz as a reader I'd never. But I'm so glad and thankful to every single one of you. Writing wasn't something I thought I'd be able to do or was even a bit good in it, but I guess you people just made me write more and more. I've so many books in my drafts at the moment lol, some have so many chapters already written and even the series lol. But I'll post them only when I'm done with "A Mafia Love Story".
          Alright, thanks for reading this long ass para, I shall see you guys on next update, which is in few hours by the way ;)
          Take care lovelies ^_^
          All the love
          ~G ❤️


@miss_cherry001 Lol ya I remember started reading this book in 2020 can't believe I'm still stuck to it since I'm usually not a patient one, especially when it comes to reading. I just want to get done with it but I guess yours is an exception maybe. AMLS is a great book & I'm glad I found your book! Nice job author!)) 