
          	The first chapter of the second book of Tarnished is out. I'm rewriting the chapters, so it's only the first one. Think of it as a reboot.
          	Look into A KISS A THOUSAND MILES AWAY thank you


          The first chapter of the second book of Tarnished is out. I'm rewriting the chapters, so it's only the first one. Think of it as a reboot.
          Look into A KISS A THOUSAND MILES AWAY thank you


Y'all.... I am STALLING LOL
          I would like to think that I don't know why I haven't continued writing this past month, but I'm pretty sure it's because it is summer vacation time for me and I've just been spending time with friends and family(and working busy shifts at work), especially because my daughter is out of school. So, I haven't had time or the mental preparedness to open my laptop to write.
          Don't worry, it's not because of writer's block that cursed me years ago, I'm just... busy? Distracted? Either way, I'll get back to it. I'm just loving life at the moment.
          I'm lowkey excited to rewrite Tarnished book 2 though, even though I'm currently working on Finders Keepers.
          .... Should I just work on it? Who wants me to continue Tarnished right now? I already had someone yell at me and insult me about not continuing it which was a bit rude... Aside that. I do want to continue it very soon. 


@ mikeymorphine92  No problem! Enjoy the summertime and the break :) We are waiting patiently for you to continue with your writing and are so excited to go on with the story of Olivia and Severus!


Been a bit slow with writing. I know what I'm writing, it's just difficult to execute in the next two chapters of Finders Keepers.
          Saying that though, I also have been taking a lot of notes for Tarnished's second book and after the two chapters I'll be writing for Finders Keepers, I'll be putting the story on a small hold to write a few chapters for Tarnished. Think of it as a mid series finale.


Took a break. Spending time with friends and family. But, I am in the middle of writing the next chapter of Finders Keepers Chapter... 16? 17? Lol idk you tell me.


@mikeymorphine92 welcome back! Looking forward to reading your work 


So, I reread my Tarnished book and was thinking of continuing it soon. Honestly, Tarnished was my favorite fan fiction I wrote and when I started writing the second book, I had complete writer's block and drama at the time so I discontinued it.
          But, considering that I have some new ideas for it and I may just completely scrap the second book, I'll take the time to take notes and make a new book 2.
          Now, don't expect it to be very soon, I don't want to lose any focus on Finders Keepers, but just know that I will be heavily considering of continuing Tarnished.


Very happy to mention that I changed the covers for Lost and Found and Finders Keepers covers! I mean, it's been seven years, right? And thanks to my lovely boyfriend and his knack in photoshop, he made the covers for me :)
          Once I'm done with this series, I'll be continuing the Tarnished(my first) and I will force him to make the other covers for that too. I hope you like them.


Taking a tiny break right now. Don't worry, I've got like three solid chapters to write for Finders Keepers, but omg!
          My boyfriend helped me make two new covers for Lost and Found book one and Finders Keepers Book two! Very soon, you'll see a fresh face for these stories, so I'm excited and hope you'll like it! My boyfriend went to school for graphic design so once I found out he uses photoshop, I volunteered him to make the covers lol
          Love yall!


I have published the latest chapter for Finders Keepers, I really hope you enjoy it. I am a little rusty, I will have to admit, but it's nice to be back. I would highly suggest rereading Finders Keepers, I did reedit Chapter 3, because I noticed it was missing a huge chunk and was unfinished.


@mikeymorphine92 just read it, it's like you never left 


I'm back. Gonna edit Lost and Found(typos, nothing serious) because i reread the whole thing and I feel I can improve some dialogue and fix typos. You don't have to reread it, but if you wanna refresh, go right ahead. I'll be redoing Book 2 Finders Keepers, so i'll be deleting the 9 parts in that season.
          I know. It's been forever. Thank you for your patience and I apologize for leaving. I explained in the last chapter of Lost and Found.


@ mikeymorphine92  Just finished rereading book 1 and so excited to go om with book 2. I'm so happy to have you back :) :)


@mikeymorphine92 literally so excited!! i love your writing