
Happy New Year everyone!!! Maybe this year be better than the last. 


It is wrong for me to move on so quickly? 
          I have decided to adopt a new kitten that I will be picking up in a couple days, is it too early to move on? 
          I know it seems wrong but there is a part of me that needs to be filled after Aki’s departure from us.
          I hope you forgive me for making this decision.


@unrealitea thank you ❤️❤️


There is never a "move on too quickly".  Everybody does it at their own pace ✨


I couldn’t sleep properly last night, all I could think about was Aki…
          How I miss seeing him climb onto my bed to sleep beside me, how he used to meow to get my attention and follow me around the house. 
          I miss how he would cuddle us to me when I’m sitting on the couch, how he would also watch the show with me.
          I miss the jingle of the bell of his collar when he roamed around the house.
          I ended up crying myself to sleep…
          I couldn’t get the image of his last moments out of my head…
          What do I do?


@unrealitea ❤️❤️ I’m so sorry for what happened to you and your pets, and thank you for supporting me ❤️❤️


Hey, a few years ago a small kitten me and my mom tried to rescue peacefully died in our kitchen, in my mom's hands. I had to watch him take his last few breaths...In my small village there is no vet, so we tried everything we could. Now I'd like to believe that he is playing with my other cats that "disappeared" and never came back home. Keep in mind that he is in a better place, happy to watch you from above <3 I know how you feel, getting attached to a pet and having to say goodbye in an instant. It is overwhelming and frustrating. I have lost many pets, another kitten was poisoned by one of my neighbours... I'm sure he enjoyed our small moments together. There is nothing you can do about it, but keeping you head up and smiling. I am sure your kitten felt loved and appreciated, you are not alone ❤️


Today my almost 3 month old kitten died, I had him for only about a week. I should’ve seen the signs… 
          This morning around 5 I woke up to him wanting to sleep next to me so I let him… I had him in my arms but he seemed like he was sweating and constantly meowing so I picked him up and I found out he peed on me… I placed him in the ground to go change but he couldn’t stand up properly so picked him up and placed him on his bed… his head was leaning over the edge and he was meowing loudly like he was screaming in pain… I positioned him again so his head was inside and went back to sleep…
          When I woke up again and came back from the toilet I tried to call for him but he didn’t answer so I looked at his bed and there he was unmoving, and stiff…
          He didn’t want to be with us anymore…
          Rest in piece Aki…


@Kiri_Riot Im so sorry for your loss 


This made my heart hurt. Last year I had to put my dog down to end her pain.


Yesterday I have a taste of what uni lectures would be like and I almost fell asleep  I looked at the notes I took and damn my handwriting got progressively worse and there are some sentences I can’t even read. The girl sitting in front of me was sleeping as well 


I recently found out that both Sungchan and Shotaro left NCT, I don’t know how to feel anymore. First Lucas and now them? I understand that they are going to debut in another group with the new SM rookies but it isn’t the same anymore.