
So, good news to any itadei readers out there. The last chapter of TMA will be up by this Wednesday! I also have another itadei story lined up, but not sure when that will be published. I also plan to update my amairin story as well, so look forward to that in the next 2 weeks. 
          	Thanks for waiting and reading :)


So, good news to any itadei readers out there. The last chapter of TMA will be up by this Wednesday! I also have another itadei story lined up, but not sure when that will be published. I also plan to update my amairin story as well, so look forward to that in the next 2 weeks. 
          Thanks for waiting and reading :)


          I'm just wondering if you'll ever update your lit Itadei story.


@Sexy-Sushi oh hello! Thanks for reading '^^ I will be updating the itadei story, it's just I've been in a stump... 
            Hopefully that it'll be done by the end of this year. Thank you so much for being patient =)


I realised writing 1K words isn't even that much, and my mind is blocked. So with 'Redemption of a Kaleidoscope' and 'time bomb' I plan to write longer and with more content than just fillers like some parts of the chapters I wrote for 'Take Me Away'. 
          With that said, the story will take longer for me to update because I honestly am not close to good at writing long chapters haha. 
          Anyways, thanks to all my readers I am able to find courage to publish more stories during the past year ^^ 
          Good morning/night 


I have just realised Take Me Away has been around since 2016... It's been 3 years and I have yet to finish it!!! 
          My priority list is so messed but here goes: 
          Take Me Away - itadei
          time bomb - minjoon
           POSSESSION - obidei
          Hoping to finish TMA by the end of August y'all! Thanks to everyone who's read even just a fraction of the book, and thank you to those who commented and voted. It means so so much to an author when they've got any kind of support. Thanks everyone! 


i'm going on a "rewriting" spree lmao. i really need to rewrite TMA, especially the earlier chapters cause i cringe so bad :') 
          anyhow i will definitely update the next chapter, just gotta finish rewriting first otherwise i will procrastinate (and that ain't a good habit to get in to).


doubt anyone will see this but I just want to say: 
          thank you so much to everyone who has read, voted and even left a comment for my very first work Take Me Away. I never thought I'd make it to 2k reads but here it is, and I am beyond amazed there are people who are following this story. thank you so much! you don't realise how much of a motivation and great comfort it is to know there are increasing numbers of reads even for just one chapter. 
          it means a lot for an author/writer when their work is being acknowledged and seen by people. so thank you again for giving me an opportunity to be seen =) 
          have a good day/night everyone! dreams and wishes can be achieved and I hope you achieve yours <3