
Hey guys! I know that I haven't been on in a while nor have I posted. I do apologize for that. it's been pretty busy but I have some good and bad news!! I have removed my Four Teenage Girls story from wattpad because i'm finally publishing my first book! I'm so excited and really hope that it's successful. Hopefully everything goes well! Love you guys and love the support that you guys have shown so far. Other news is that my Roxie story will begin to be updated soon! I had wanted to finish editing and working on it so that I can provide you guys with consistent updates. all of my other works will slowly start getting updated as well when the time becomes good to.


Hey guys! I know that I haven't been on in a while nor have I posted. I do apologize for that. it's been pretty busy but I have some good and bad news!! I have removed my Four Teenage Girls story from wattpad because i'm finally publishing my first book! I'm so excited and really hope that it's successful. Hopefully everything goes well! Love you guys and love the support that you guys have shown so far. Other news is that my Roxie story will begin to be updated soon! I had wanted to finish editing and working on it so that I can provide you guys with consistent updates. all of my other works will slowly start getting updated as well when the time becomes good to.


okay so I deleted a couple of my works on here and put three on hold. i apologize if this is a longer message. okay, i will take ROXIE, A Summer with ireland, and four teenage girls off hold this november. tonight i will be uploading a few upcoming works that i've completed and will be posting bit by bit. once those are uploaded then i will post the others. i just want to be at least a bit closer to finishing if not finish those works before i update them.so sorry for the wait. oh and for those who are reading life inside of hell and sinister, i'm working on an update as we speak so keep an eye out for that. thank you a ton for those who have followed me, were patient and supported my works! 
          much love! -Mia


@SachaM no problem! I absolutely am completely engrossed in your stories at the moment. Such great work! Deffo had to follow.  And I love the movie as well as the show too! Great! :) I really hope you post some more works out soon! Can't get enough!! 


Hi Mia! I want to thank you for following me, I truly appreciate it. I too love and listen to all kind of music. If you read any of my books you will understand what I'm saying especially the latest ones. Btw, Beauty and the Beast is one of my all time favorite movies. ;)


okayy guys, i will be posting up something different this weekend as well as the promised life inside hell/sinister chapter! just had surgery to get my tonsils removed and its a pain in the butt to recover from. that said imma suck it up and update for you guys as soon as i get the chance :) and finish promised book covers up as well. love you guys and thanks for the mega good support! much love- miaxx


Working on a looong super good chapter on life inside of hell/sinister!! keep on the look out! you're gonna want to read the new chappie when its posted! :D 
          love you guys! especially for everyone who has and continues to support my works! thinking of probably doing a contest soon... *thinking mode* 
          lol, much love-miaxx