
I just published a story called OUTLAWS. I know its probably not something most of you guys would be interested in, but I'd really appreciate it if you guys just checked it out real quick and gave me some feedback. I understand if you guys don't. Thank you for allowing me to take up a moment of your time!


Hey I was thinking and I may have a prompt...


@Mrs_Loki_Winchester well whenever you remember or get an idea, feel free to shoot away 


Um i forgot it but i will try to remember


I love your book 'Winchestiel'


Nothing in particular


@Mrs_Loki_Winchester thank you very much! I hope to keep updating but I'm also working on finishing my newly published book as well as starting another book, but there will be sparatic updates. This means a lot, glad you love it, is there anything you would like to see in a coming chapter? 


I just published a story called OUTLAWS. I know its probably not something most of you guys would be interested in, but I'd really appreciate it if you guys just checked it out real quick and gave me some feedback. I understand if you guys don't. Thank you for allowing me to take up a moment of your time!


So ive kinda been not updating lately, and im sorry. I want to inform you that i will be updating my published books soon. The thing is i have started tk write this new book and i, personally, am super excited for it. I have made up the characters and they are completely my idea and everything. I hope when i start to publish some of the chapters you guys will read it and comment on it to tell me what you think. That would be great. Again im sorry for the back up on updating but i will update soon. 


          When Castiel was young his mother, the queen, was killed by hunters. so his father locked the the city away from all outsiders. yet in the process his second eldest son, lucifer, was trying desperately to stop him. with all the meheam castiels father was fatally injured and died. but not before banishing Lucifer to live forever outside the city. Michael, the eldest son, was killed in battle as well as the third in line for the thorn Ureil. now gabriel, the fourth son, is in line for the thrown but he doesn't want it.
          The flames roared high above the city. Builds were crumbling and people were screaming. Castiel clung to his mother praying they wouldn't find them, his tear stained cheeks were pressed up against her chest. 
          He heard stumbling in and there was gabriel, who ran and knelt down to cas and cas smiled. The curtain swung open and a tall man with dark hair stood in the entry way. He had a sword in his hands and had armor tied against his chest. His mother screamed and jumped up pulling cas up with her. The hunter turned with a devilsh smile his gun placed neatly on his back. Cas was handed to gabriel And gabe started to run with cas over his shoulder. He looked back to see his mother holding off the hunter until she was stabbed, and fell to the ground. The hunter pulled out his blade and looked down at her in disgust. But then he looked up. 
          Cas sat up, his heavy fast breathing echoed off of marble walls, his hands raked his face and he got out of the massive pile of cotton pillows. His legs felt numb as he walked over to the water spout and turned it on. He knelt down and splashed the cold water on his face and the dropplets rolled down his chest. He walked over to the curtain and looked out, the sun was nearly out. He sighed taking in its beauty of all the colors, he ran his hands down his arms tracing the sigils and admiring the symbols. He only wished he knew what they meant.


The Overrated Gift Of Sight 
          I could feel the heat hit my cheek. I could clearly smell the bacon cooking from the next room over, and the laughing of my older brothers and sisters was extremely apparent. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. I sat up and ran my hands through my fairly long curly hair. My fingers lingered until I finally opened my eyes. The sun was shining through the window and the fan was casting a shadow across my bed. I felt for the dresser until I found the pill jar. My head was spinning and I wanted to just go back to sleep, but before I could lay down someone barged into my room. "Hey your up" a strained voice called out, I could smell the colone from the door and the arrogance was wafting in as well. "Micheal. What do you need" I spoke out softly but I could tell he was avoiding my gase. "Breakfast is ready" he stated and then I heard him slam the door.
          "He hates me, they all do" I whispered and put down the pill jar. I threw my legs off the end of the bed I reached with my toe till I felt the floor then let my whole foot slide.
          I wasn't born blind, and technically im not fully blind, sure i can't see color or make out anything but clear shadows, but I'd rather be able to see shadows then nothing. I pulled the rest of my body off the bed and winced in pain when my shorts rolled up my legs and the fabric pressed against my skin. I finally stood up and lumbered towards the door the soft warm carpt soothing my sore feet. 
          I get to the door and open it the hallway is dark so I can't see the walls so I just take one step out and turn and listen for my siblings. The cold would flooring makes me shiver and I hear nothing but my own heavy breathing but I decide I might as well just go


@teenage_outcast I love this idea. I vote for this!!!!


so me and my friend were binge watching supernatural and it was only about 11:20 and we were really far into the season, I believe that day we watched 26 episodes total... anyway so we were watching in my time of dying and its kind of an emotional episode and it was nearing the end (of course I already had seen all 10 seasons but yeah) and I look over to my friend who's balling her eyes out and I mean balling her eyes out and then she muttered under her breathe damn it John. and I had to laugh because I'm the same way like I hate John but at the same time I feel bad for John and I'm so emotionally conflicted but yeah. i just thought it was funny because that's what Dean says all the time and yeah. 
          *whispers* damn it cas


Bruuuh them feels 