
Fake Nerine chapter posted!


The Wisteria chronicles is now unpublished.
          I cannot thank everyone enough for the overwhelming support, jokes, and emotion spread along the way of my journey, both from you guys and myself. Though this era has come to a bittersweet end, i decide to unpublish these books out of pure respect for Technoblade and his family. If i had passed, even if it was just about a character portrayed, i wouldn’t be comfortable with fan fiction, so that is what ultimately led to my decision.
          And for everyone thinking I’m calling them disrespectful for enjoying/seeking out these series, IM NOT!! i wrote them for christ’s sake.
          Again, I can’t thank anyway ENOUGH for the insane amount of support and kind comments along my journey(even if some of those were spoiler comments I had to delete…) 
          Thank you so much, and please feel free to follow me on the rest of my creative career. I love everyone so much, and maybe in the future I’ll just rewrite the story to where the names and some of the minecraft-y stuff about it changes as well, haha.
          much love<3 
                      -emmy(formally, colorphyll)


@memmiey I loved this book series and I haven't touched wattpad in awhile as you can see I'm responding to this now, thank you so much for making an amazing book and I kinda wish I could read it one more time but just for the ending, I hope you know your an amazing writer and with how many times you made me ball with the end I hope you have a wonderful life! :]


You should definitely rewrite it as different characters but a similar storyline because I loved the story.


@memmiey dont be, it’s no your fault, i’m just a slow reader . But it was the right thing to do


changed everything abt my profile
          i'm not back i don't think but maybe i'll write something for the summer
          i'm also thinking abt i publishing my books bc i feel disrespectful to have them up, yk?
          also i'm changing fake nerine to my own characters bc i love that book so much and i wanna customize it sm
          but yea thank y'all for the support:) love u all sm
          and i may unpublish it or change the characters idrk


@River_wcue195 thank u ma’am and i’m happy u enjoyed!


@memmiey I'm sure anything you do will be great ! The wisteria series brought tears to my eyes as it was amazing ! Don't rush yourself and take breaks often ! <33


@InkOlive850 peace out home slice  and thank u for enjoying my stories! i’m happy i could brighten ur day 


You deserve so much more love for all of the books you've done, and if anyone tells you otherwise tell them that they'd better think twice about saying that to you, cause if they were you they'd want the same respect you've treated them with! 
          With all love and respect from your number one friendly neighborhood mother!  (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)


thank u darlin


@Writer2224 also Hina is short for Hinakarsai! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)


this message may be offensive
Hey guys so I've read the wisteria series, and i am planning on studying medicine so, when a person dies the shit and piss themselves, so when yn died, did they shit and piss themselves?


 I know this is kinda weird because I’m just some rando internet person, but it means the world to me that your keeping your book up . It is one of my favorite books and it makes it just a bit easier knowing if I feel sad that work will always be there. So thank you


ofc! you mean to world to me as well because you read and appreciate my work:) i will always leave it up unless techno’s family announces that they’re uncomfortable with ff(even tho it’s abt his dsmp character) but again, until then which i don’t think is gonna happen, it will forever remain up for you and everybody else! i hope your days brighten quickly with the sad news, and never forget him!!


Rest in peace, Technoblade. I’m crying as i’m typing this right now. You meant so much to me and helped me get out of such dark times. 
          It’s funny how I noticed how my sky was so pretty today. We had just had a storm, and it was amazing to see the sun cast a shadow onto the most detailed and tallest clouds I had ever seen. Now, I know why.
          Thank you for brightening my days. Rest in peace. 


@colorphyll i hope you and everyone else who reads this has a good greivence period and are able to relax <3


@Inika57 thank you for thinking of me, and thank you for following the crazy journey. love u lots<3 i hope u take the time that u need