
@DialawaniBerin sorry, I don't do followbacks :(


Hey guys, i'm so so sorry for not updating for a long time. It's the end of the year and i'm having my finals next week!!
          by the way, my misery will end on the first week of December, so i'll update all of my stories on one of those days :)
          thank you for those who wait for me and my updates. i love you guys!xx


Guys, a little info. Gua lg masa masa uts & I'm so damn busy here. Jadi maaf ya kalo banyak telat update. My midterm-test week ends on Monday, 30th of September. Jadi doakan saja pada tanggal itu gua uda bisa menulis kembali. That's all. Thank you for your consideration and thanks for reading my stuffs. :)