
Ok so I lied about new chapters coming this week. During the move I lost my note book that I wrote in so I have to re write the chapters I have posted and write new ones :(


Hey guys! New chapters of “Incapable” will be out on Wednesday or Thursday. Sorry it’s been so long since I have posted. I went out of state for three weeks and when I got back I moved houses. I haven’t really had time to write or post but I promise I will be soon. Love you all and thanks for the support -M ❤️ 


The sequel of ‘I Hate You’ will be coming out March 4th! Thank you all for the support and I hope you like the sequel ‘I Loved You’


@colbybrockandothers and you did hell of a great job on it!


@abbjxoxo Aw thank you. I never posted it thinking it would get as many reads as it has. I kind of just posted it for fun


@colbybrockandothers your welcome! and plus it really should have gotten more attention then it has because it has been like the best story plot and most detailed colby story i have ever seen!