
if you can’t survive without more gabe and Avery content (yes this is 100% aimed) check out @fa.qz4 on tiktok 


if you can’t survive without more gabe and Avery content (yes this is 100% aimed) check out @fa.qz4 on tiktok 


guys im actually rethinking my whole life right now so if ur reading my gabe ff pls come give me some advice or it :, ) 
          right so the problem in question is that im having major writers block because i pretty much hate where ive gone with it so i can either 
          a- unpublish a few chapters and have avery turned later because i litch NEED more of them on opposite sides
          b- just force myself to form some sort of ending so i dont discontinue it and you guys get a finished fic and then move on to a rewrite / another gabe fic
          c- i write another from scratch


@meetmeinthe_meadow I’m everywhere …anyways I think you should do option B 