
update: i am still gay and ben folds is bae. also my mom just casually took her friend visiting from hungary to canada and im just like WuT


Could you please not tag a Shakarian story with Kaidan Alenko?  Garrus and Shakarian creeps me out HUGELY and it would be good not to see it when I'm searching for Kaidan Alenko/Shenko stories.  Many thanks.


@SeacilinH hi there, I'm sorry that shakarian creeps you out. But I won't be removing the tag because kaiden is part of the story, this is the internet and there is a lot shakarian content in the mass effect fandom. If kaiden was just a side character then maybe I would remove the tag but he is going to be a part of the main narrative because I'm basically writing this story to be as accurate to the games as possible with changes. I'm sorry about this inconvenience and I hope you find the shenko content you are looking for