
          	i promise i’m still very much active on wattpad lolllll i literally read so much i cannot stop and type like i can finish a 40 chapter book in one night now...
          	but thank u for the followers everyone who knew i could get 200 on wattpad ?!?!?


hey everyone, i just wanna come on here and apologize for any jokes i’ve made about addiction or anything related to that in any way. when i first entered the fandom, everyone made those jokes, so i decided “hey why not everyone else is”. i’ve since learned that i should’ve never made jokes and i deeply regret anything that i have said. i should’ve realized how wrong it is, and i take full responsibility. thank you to everyone who has shown me it shouldn’t be joked around with, even if it’s a fictional character. 
          also, if anyone is struggling with absolutely anything, please pm me :)