
Hot gossip alert! :D The curtain's been drawn, and Mr Piercewood's secrets spilled! :O
          	Dive into the drama, and don't be shy—share your thoughts. Comment and vote, your opinion is the real MVP! :)


So originally I was going to do scream 8 and it would have been the focus and where I feature Kirby as the main lead this time but now Melissa Barra has been fired from Scream 7 and I'm not only effects the screen eight story I had in mind for Kirby I might not or might you scream 8 if you want to hear about the original plans I have for I have for screen 8 because now the story has to be rewrite rewritten now


Thanks for following me! :)


@Storytellingdude871 @marii_sv Of course, and glad my book has you hooked!! :) 


@Storytellingdude871 Hey there! Of course! :) Thanks for adding my story, "Mister, keep your curtains shut!" to your reading list :D I've started "Brilliant Short Stories," and you got me hooked! Looking forward to delving into each other's writing and sharing recommendations on readings! :)