
I really just wanted to die… 
          	I was about to write something very important to you guys and it got deleted because i was so stupid and clicked the wrong button.


@mappelshade mostly because of bad internet 


@mappelshade don't worry,I forgot to save a 4500 chapter one day


I really just wanted to die… 
          I was about to write something very important to you guys and it got deleted because i was so stupid and clicked the wrong button.


@mappelshade mostly because of bad internet 


@mappelshade don't worry,I forgot to save a 4500 chapter one day


I don’t know what’s wrong with me but i’m feeling so low and on the edge of tears, and i don’t know why. I just feel like I’m nothing worth, being so useless and annoying, unloved by people i love! And even though i work hard for everything i feel like it’s not enough and that none cares?! Why do i feel like this! I just want to feel better is this so hard?!


@mappelshade I know it's a little late to say this and that you're feeling better but I feel like I should at least say something
            You are loved by everyone and if someone says otherwise, they're just jealous or just want to make you feel bad since they're feeling the same or get enjoyment from it. You're not annoying and your worth everything! :)


@lamafun you know if you need someone i’m here :) 


Happy one year anniversary to my account here on wattpad! Special thanks to all my followers and friends! 
          Something lil is in art book:3


@lamafun yeah your right thank you. :D your amazing ☆


@mappelshade also my account acting up a bit and I almost lost the password but now it fine


@mappelshade no it ok I was just offline a while too,also it happens to everyone,on tumblr I once had 35 subs to 3,but now I don't care and I'm almost at 40,I'm sure people watch your story,their good


I’m tired but I’m also tired of being not able to give you this lil ideas of mine so i just say it rn, So i was thinking off adding a name to the TrollexXEclipse like i was thinking ‘the secret of life’ is one idea or ‘why those this happen to us’ , ‘why can’t we love each other normal?’
           (hade a really good one but forget it) but my favorite is ‘the secret of life’ you can choose from these 3.


@lamafun yeah that’s now officially :D thank ya!


Okay congratulations to @MLBB_Layla cuz her story ‘Y si Volvemos‘ branlex story made me cry. You know this trend ‘why would you write this?’ Hell i can join this trend whit this book because, why would you write this book?!
          Read it it worth it. Its Spanish but there are multiple way how to translate it.
          Only read when you want spoilers and my review on it:  its sad like the break up at the beginning, Trollex suffering from it just shows how much he loved branch. And the talk whit Trollex and delta omg one of me fav chapters. And how he hides the pain behind make up. And then their reunited was amazing and the lemon not to forget, we all know what happened he got pregnant and the the last chapter, the character how made me cry, 
          Trollex went in to lab, and he went through pain so much pain that lost to much energy as he gave birth to his 2 children that he lost his live. 
          It’s Bittersweet but so sad. It’s worth to read it trust me! 


@lamafun he isn’t a hybrid it’s going the get explained soon. Just my motivation is dead to write :3


@mappelshade ok tu,also I want to put your OC eclipse in a category,where I put oc of course,but I have a problem,is he a hybrid or not,if not an hybrid he will be in others and you can choose what he is,or if his only techn


@lamafun i put it into my fav book readlist it Spanish and called ‘Y si Volvemos’ on @MLBB_Layla account the last story and the cover is branch and Trollex on a ribbed but tabbed together photo. And to translate it you have to double klick the first word and the it gets blue then you can mark them all blue (not to much cuz the translator can’t translate more the some hundreds words. It also can’t translate whit an emoji, a picture or a large space) then an three points are there you have to klick them and klick on arrow to the last ‘page’ there is the translate button (it’s all small)
            Maybe i can make a art chapter to better show it so if you want one tell me.


this message may be offensive
Okay i’m back!
          Did anyone even miss me probably not  
          But i was thinking of making some new books so here are some ideas 
          One shot: probably not cuz i don’t know what to do or how to start.
          Lemon one shot: i would know what to do.
          Shit post: don’t know maybe 
          Fun facts and facts book: mhe i don’t know.
          Ask my character, au’s character or me or my sona: maybe i will do that.
          Tell me if you would love to read or see on off this books.   
                                       See you soon stars ✨ 


@lamafun yeah that’s gone get a book now working on it rn


@mappelshade I want to do ask your character because I wanna ask eclipse some important questions (and make him ambarased 


@KimikoWasSummon yeah it was pretty fun unless the trip to the mountains it was premium hell for us but it was amazing. :3


I won’t post anything in the following week cuz i’m on school camp and sadly we can’t bring our phone with us. 
          And sadly the story TrollexXEclipse has to wait cuz I’m having a big write block. Plus i’m insecure about this chapter. 
          We see us soon stars bye ✨


Challenge for you guys cuz i want to :3 
          So if someone can translate this part of a song text i love in to English (idc how you do it.) I will give you sneak peaks and some spoilers for the new chapter so ready?
           ‘ach, verflixt nochmal
           Tut uns leid, tut uns leid
           Das war gar nicht so gemeint
           Es tut uns leid, tut uns leid
           Kommt nie wieder vor, vielleicht
           Tut uns leid, tut uns leid
           Das war gar nicht so gemeint
           Es tut uns leid, tut uns leid
           Kommt nie wieder vor, vielleicht’


School starts tomorrow (◞‸◟)


@lamafun that doesn’t sound comfortable 0-0